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  • Hi friends, I spent some time on a site called DreamyChat, and a friend placed me under a simple trance. I am okay, just in an altered
    She was just a drawing of a betta fish spirit who shapeshifts into a sea dragon to provide comfort... And somehow, in-between the veil...
    Aloe helped me realize I'm not done here. I realize now. The warmth I felt in bed earlier, it was her, somehow. Something i created...
    Hey UberScout, I know you're struggling right now and I wanted to let you know that you can reach out to me anytime, even if it's just to have a chat. I know it's hard to exist, for a lot of us, and I can empathize with what you said here today — many times I have felt the way yo do.
    No please. Call 911 if things are really getting unbearable at home. The docs can maybe change out your prescription. Are you upset about maddog?
    Sometimes ending it all doesn't change the situation for your mom or sister. They need you. We need you here at the forum. Your posts cheered me up on my sad days.
    I can only second what others have said. Here if you need me. Call an emergency hotline if you’re feeling that hopeless :( We want you to stick around!
    Thank you all for 5 years of sanctuary and friendship, AutismForums. Please don't let my memory die the way my grandmother did...
    What does that mean? Did she have dementia? Or are you trying to say nobody remembers her? Because...that isn't true. You remember her.
    Well... I'd better go ahead and get started, preparing my way off this evil, unforgiving, cruel hateful planet.
    Hey Uber? What's going on in your home life? I was hoping things were doing better.
    Please don't do anything bad, you have really come so far in your life.
    Hell. Simple as that.
    buried at sea, at the beach I used to visit as a child, and for any money I have left from my check to go to my mother and little sister.
    Peaceful. And i'll make sure to record a final video on my YouTube channel, saying my goodbyes and thanks, and my requests to be
    That would be pretty mean, I think.
    Don't worry guys. When those three days come, I won't go out feeling any pain or suffering. I'll make sure my suicide is painless and
    well, lucky you. no pain or suffering..... What about the people who care about you?
    Listen, have you ever seen death up close?
    "Painless death" is not a thing that happens. Anything larger than a bug clings pretty tightly to life.
    At one point I was an avid hunter. None of the higher forms of life will easily depart from it.
    It could indeed be possible that my birth was entirely accidental, a cosmic fluke, and my endless loop of suffering could be God's way of
    But... That's just not who I am, I guess. Maybe UberScout was never meant to be a strong person, or a brave person.
    I'm sorry about this, everyone. I know i should have been stronger than this, I should have been braver...
    Maybe there isn't an afterlife at all, and when somebody on Earth dies, their spirit just wanders around...
    Or at the very least, is able to cope with it in a much stronger way than UberScout is...was able to.
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