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  • Or, by some 0.1% off chance that reincarnation really IS real... I want to come back as somebody who is not autistic... Or at the very least
    as i pass through whatever afterlife is most real that God has laid out for me. Whether it is Heaven, or Hell for committing suicide...
    Before three days is up... I want you all to know how much i appreciate all of you, you are all my best friends and will continue to be
    I have decided to give half of my worldly possessions to my little sister Sophia and the other half to my mother....
    I will be making an officially serious attempt to commit suicide. I have a plan this time, and I have thought very carefully about it...
    There is no purpose in living a life that only amounts to despair. So, in three days, I will be making an officially serious attempt...
    For all your imaginative ability, that's all you've come up with?
    It very seriously is starting to look like that's how God wants my life to be; just an endless, purposeless anthology of despair.
    In this life. Maybe God just chose for me to suffer throughout my entire life. It really is starting to loom that way. It very
    If fighting the same battle in my eternal search for happiness is a meaningless endeavor... Then maybe, I'm just not meant to be happy
    stop trying to be happy. I'm tired of fighting myself looking for something positive about life, but it's just the same every day.
    Well everybody... I've decided once again that after 25 years of trying to find happiness and always failing... That i'm going to stop
    Hanging with Aloe after a nice hot wake n bake with Maddog (read: we patched things up with a fishing trip, caught a giant bass that day)
    I can't believe I almost died...
    @Markness Table leg to the back of my skull.
    I can't believe you almost died either. It was scary, but unless he continued pounding on your head, it didn't sound like dying was likely.
    If you are safely able to go to your MD ask if they would send you for an MRI see if there's damage to your brain stem or cervical spine that's the bit that meets your brain
    Guys... I have a head wound thats bleeding... I need to lay down... If i dont wake up again... love you guys...although i kinda hope i dont
    What happened? :( If you’re in danger you should call the police or an ambulance.
    Not in the US so can’t call emergency for you, but if you have a head wound, don’t lie down. Go to hospital or call the police. If it’s am emergency and you’re in danger don’t spend the time writing on the forum. Get out, go to a neighbor and call the police / ambulance.
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