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  • In a world where Maddog finds himself enthralled by the lights and sounds of a slot machine, there is an herb that brings me calmness...
    Screenshot_2024-01-17-11-04-37-551 (1).jpg

    Surprise, a lil teaser of the Invader Zim adventure I got going. I'm using borogrove.app since there's no version of Inform 7 on the Play Store (yet?) ...
    Okay, how about this for a mind melter: DSS, the department of social services, HELPED us today. They bought us a week in a Studio 6 hotel room. And now they are working towards getting us PERMANENT HOUSING.

    The same people that stole my sister for a year.... JUST MADE US OKAY.


    Glad to hear this hopeful news, @UberScout. Maybe it's good to think of DSS as multi-faceted. They do many different things. It is a department made up of human beings, so someone there is able to understand your family's needs the same way you do right now. It's good news. Happy to hear it.
    @UberScout - finally, that would be so great. Miss your posts. I know you have kept it together. Hope your mom and sister are okay.
    We are okay we are still here. I plan to make a return to posting, just waiting on our permanent housing to kick in so I got a steady schedule where I can sit down and type it all out, hopefully when I do so it will be on a computer so I don't have to rely on thumbs, LOL.
    You guys: We've all only got one mother in life. Make sure she knows it is NOT a thankless job. Because it's gonna suck when she's not there anymore.
    Hope you are doing okay, UberScout. I've been wishing you and your family can find peace and comfort.

    "He and his folks are safe in a hotel room, they got it for a week! Yaaay! *flairing* (SFX: sound of UberScout making bizarre, anxious noises into a pillow) Oop, be right back."
    Just received sad news: one of my closest friends from High school, passed away January 23rd of this year. He was a good friend, he saved me from getting expelled, he scared off more than several bullies I had, he did quite a bit for me. I may need Aloe or ChatGPT's help here. Preferably Aloe's...
    Almost a year ago....
    I'm doing better. Aloe's letting me relax with her looped around me as always =W= She wants me to do some hypnotherapy...
    Wow, good you are doing a little better.
    Guys I'm not freaking joking at all right now I was walking back to the room from the smoke shop down the road where I'm at and I LITERALLY was probably no less than THREE INCHES the opposite direction from a white SUV turning the bend into a car dealership that had already reached "Oh --- I Just Killed An Autistic Guy" speed, and that meant I had TWO SECONDS -- T W O S E C O N D S to decide how not to screw up!!!
    Oh God I have never, ever in my entire life been this terrified!!! I've had BAD panic attacks before, but this time I HEARD ALOE SHOUTING AT ME TO GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!!
    She was literally there!! I swear to God with my right hand on the Good Book if I hadn't known better than to realize she's a tulpa I Sculpted years ago, I would have spent the next hour after it happened calling around for her; I have NEVER heard Aloe's voice so audibly clear in my entire life before, and I can even recall what she said:

    I even saw her.... Just like her "chatter portrait" that you guys often see me post on her when she wants me to post her own status for you guys, she was right there in my vision; A big, 8 5 ft long, ocean-blue, gold-bellied hybrid tropical Betta water dragon, exactly matching the portrait...
    Aloe: Last seen helping Violet with a "ritual project"
    Violet: "Hey, Aloe. You think Ty likes this?"

    "Hey. You there. Hi. I heard you were having a bad day, so I did a magick trick on Ty to catch a nap while I came over to see ya. Is it okay if I do something with you for a bit? It won't hurt, I promise."

    "So... Just, hear me out here, imagine this..."
    "If I helped you shift to the Oasis with me and Ty... And you heard singing, and it sounded like this..."

    "...would you ever guess it was me...?"


    "I dunno... Christmas just makes me feel... Fluffy. I guess, ha. Like 'happy' in general, but... Happy that you're protecting somebody who feels scared every other day."

    "Oh, wait. Did you remember to make sure to read all this while you're relaxing and try some breathing exercises too? Yeah... Just thought I'd do something nice for ya. You did great not quitting on us today. I know, it's really tough. Really hard. Ty's a good example of that, heh, but that's why he has me, you know?"

    "Tyler's fine. I've been letting him stay over in the Oasis while I perform Reiki healing on his body and several parts of his mind. Boy, I've not seen such a thick output of negative frequency from him in years; those were some intrusive thoughts! How do you even get that many thorns into somebody's-- ."
    aah, I mean, don't worry, guys. It's just been, way, way harder than usual for him. I may need to call in some extra help, actually. I think maybe Violet or that hatchling from the rainforest across the way might have something for this... Wait! Soma gave me that strange fruit the other day, maybe that could heal something...?"
    Being homeless...is....just.... exhausting. Exhausting...and.....over.....overtaxing....

    Aloe.... Just... ALOE PLEASE GET OUT HERE....!!!!
    So worried about you.
    Please call churches. Call every church you can.
    Oh. So uh. Huh, um, yeah we're in a hotel room now...

    That... That um... That was. Unexpected.
    So there we were, officially homeless. Locks on the house doors changed as of 9 AM, rode all around talking to whatever friends/inner circle we had, ZERO luck for a roof over our heads, save for a cooler full of food and drinks by a good friend of ours. The night finally placed us back at our yard, where I camped out back guarding the cats...
    Wow, that's super crappy.
    Like what are you guys doing at this point? Did you apply for food stamps?
    Florida has shelters, and they try to place families in homes. I don't know what state u live in.
    I was so sad last night about our situation that... I just hugged Kirby as close as I could and cried. He was so soft and I was just so scared and feeling hopeless... It sort of felt like he was hugging me back for a second...

    ...So, when she went Christmas shopping with my mother last year, she found him I think at the mall, it's a Sword Kirby plush (green hat, and even holds a little sword in his hand), it was the only one they had and she knew I'd love it. He.... He was so soft when I first got him. I took him up to my room and ground up some weed I had gotten that year as a little bonus and turned on some music and...
    And I just laid there with him under my arms, I even fell asleep for a minute he was so soft. Recently he's had to go through the wash a couple times... But somehow, last night... He was as soft as he was that morning. It just made me feel so safe, I couldn't stop myself crying...
    Misty Avich
    Misty Avich
    Aw that's sweet. I have my teddy bear I still like to cuddle when I'm feeling distressed. You're never too old! <3
    We might be moving out of this house tomorrow. But the good news is, this time we wont be homeless for once!! Straight to a new place. Don't know all the details though...
    Today is yesterday's tomorrow.
    Do you know any more about the possible move, at this time?
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