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  • Sometimes a day of unstopping work can make on feel fulfilled as they look at the progress towards what they dream best as happiness
    I am now live on youtube! come join me in chat. This is my introduction video on the channel
    I am now live on my youtube channel. This link is my introduction video. I will stop recording at 1am mountain time.
    live! Yes, heard me right. I am going to be live, in front of a camera. I think a good introduction is needed.get your space questions ready
    The worst thing that could possibly happen. Happened. Fear, anger, resentment, hope. Things will change for the better. Time is now.
    This asshole posses of the wrong person. Put him in the time out bin.... wait... that means me to? Bah, fine. Off to the hospital I go.
    6 hours in the hospital waiting room. Ohhhhh Canadaaaaaa
    Hope you are okay Volt.
    its supposed to be a 4 hour limit in the uk if your er is still open .
    but people die lying on trolleys in the corridor .
    Think there's a pretty high spike in canada with the flu virus Voltaic. Waited no more than three hours any time, where I am in Canada.
    Take of you glasses. Your eyes are bloodshot, exactly like mine. Everything's compleatly normal, everything's comepleatly normal
    Knowing what we know. Knowing what we do not know. This is going to change our world.
    I feel like I need some time off... Im unemployed so i have no idea how that would work.
    Chosen change of climate? People isolation?
    Isolation? I like the sound of that
    I would hire you in a second. Unfortunately the world is greedy and hordes such power. Hopefully I can liberate some of that power for someone else one day.
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