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  1. Heroine of Winds

    I feel like it's time for me to lay down and give up on everything

    This almost sounds like what my ex-boyfriend (he has autism, too) constantly goes through with his mom and brother on a daily basis. Even though I live with a good and caring family, I understand how you feel. Lately I've been giving up on everything due to having autism. I gave up on hoping to...
  2. Heroine of Winds

    Hello, I'm Neia, and I think I might be on the spectrum.

    Welcome! <3 Make yourself at home here! ! 💜
  3. Heroine of Winds

    Last person to post wins.

  4. Heroine of Winds

    What was the last video you watched? (2024 Onward)

    Bee Movie memes sure are funny. They actually got me into watching the movie for the first time thanks to the bizarre premise.
  5. Heroine of Winds

    The last thing you bought?

    And here's what I got from Walmart:
  6. Heroine of Winds

    The last thing you bought?

    I bought some things while me and mom went out to do some shopping for food and other essentials. From Five Below: From Food City:
  7. Heroine of Winds

    Last person to post wins.

    Computer cat.
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