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  1. shinkansen

    Quora - the Q & A website, ASD and ADHD blog

    After I was diagnosed with both ASD and ADHD, I wanted to find out more. Came across Quora, a social media website, where members ask and answer questions https://www.quora.com/. There are quite a few members with Aspergers and autism spectrum disorder. I'm using the Quora website to expand my...
  2. Katleya

    Name an ASD "super power" or talent you have no use for

    I'm sure most of us have one thing (or more) that most people wouldn't even believe is true. And sometimes that thing is pretty useless, but just out of curiosity, what are things you can do/feel that you really don't put to use on a regular basis, either because you haven't found what to do...
  3. JoyChaos


    I am curious about the folks on here who are self diagnosed but when they went in to get the formal one done they were diagnosed with something else. What exactly is that something else? I mean what were you diagnosed with if it wasnt ASD? I just randomly was thinking about it. Ive seen plenty...
  4. U

    ASD-themed jewelry/accessories

    What ASD-themed jewelry or accessories do you have? I used to have an autism awareness ribbon pin with the rainbow puzzle pieces on it. I wore it on my apron to work (didn't reduce the bullying; people probably didn't even notice it) and later put it on my purse. But a month ago I looked at my...
  5. C

    Fiction Book Suggestions

    I recently started reading some fiction and I do find it enjoyable. I feel though that there is too much emphasis on personal relationships and not enough investigation and mystery. Any suggestions on fiction that might appeal to people on the spectrum?
  6. Mike Stouffer

    The Lens

    I've been uncomfortable around others my entire life. Have used the camera as a barrier between others and myself. Earplugs that are blue putty like, and off camera I go. Because of something being uncomfortable doesn't mean one has to stop enjoying the life around us. It's when we deal with the...
  7. janie

    The ASD Riddle

    New member Quinny posted a lovely introduction. Once again, warm welcome, Quinny, hope you find cool sand and safe breezes here. Quinny shared a great observation from an insightful therapist yesterday when diagnosed. Thanks, Quinny! I thought could be presented here as a thread topic for...
  8. RiverSong

    Tony Attwood Answers Questions Regarding ASD

    I found a series of videos where Tony Attwood answers questions regarding Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). I think these videos were a part of an interview conducted by the organization Spazio Asperger. The videos are split up into seven parts and they're in English with Italian subtitles. The...
  9. M

    New here!

    Hi, My name's Marshall and I'm 23 years old. For a couple years I've always thought I might have aspergers. My story is very similar to those I've read. Growing up I had very little friends, I would prefer to be alone and do things my way, and I always felt a bit different and out of place. And...
  10. selfhatetoselflove

    Unexpected change is the worst

    I was supposed to go to a riding lesson this morning, but the barn is 1-2 hours away by trains without a car. I have a big anxiety about this commute every time I visit there, but as I heard that it would rain later today, the anxiety got HUGE. I couldn't go to a riding lesson. I am very very...
  11. A

    Does anybody else have behavioural issues?

    I was wondering if there are any other 'naughty' aspies? I was kicked out of school and college.
  12. Ocarina

    AS and codependency - anyone any experience?

    Hello I'm just attempting to unravell myself from yet another failed relationship and trying to undo the patterns that have led to this place I've stumbled upon codependency. I'm an AS woman late 40s and for my entire life I've been working on how to get others to like me, how to fit in and...
  13. A

    New user and newly diagnosed i have questions

    Soooo hi. Im ajada (A jay da). I was recently diagnosed with ASD (aspergers). I was wondering if its just fact or stigma that ALL people on the spectrum struggle with sarcasm and empathy? Only because I've been diagnosed but im also one of the most sarcastic and empathetic (if i dont hate...
  14. D

    Possibly Having Aspergers

    Hello people of AC. I was recently seeking diagnosis for what I assumed to be a personality disorder/mental health issues with a specialist personality disorder team and I had my review meeting two days ago where they said that I don't have BPD which is what I thought I originally had but...
  15. H

    Self-Diagnosed Female Seeking a Formal Diagnosis (Aspergers Syndrome)

    About four years ago, I was speaking with an older family friend and mentioned that I feel like I'm different to others. She has known me since I was born and has professed in social work. She told me that, particularly as a child she has noticed that I show traits of Aspergers syndrome. Having...
  16. saskinakki


    Hi there! I was wondering if there's anyone else here with ASD as their special interest? It's been mine for a couple of months now, before that it was mental illnesses. I read articles on it, watch documentaries, and browse forums. Some would say I'm obsessed. But yeah as I said, anyone else...
  17. A

    Questioning my diagnosis

    hi everyone. I was diagnosed with borderline ASD/NVLD back in September of 2015. As a child I met full criteria for Asperger's syndrome. However I am beginning to question it. It seems that diagnosing ASD is very difficult to do since I am also GAD and ADHD. I function fine with medicine...
  18. shinkansen

    Autism therapy

    I was wondering about other people's experiences of therapy and counselling. Currently on waiting list for specialist ASD therapy, which should start in about 8 weeks' time. I've had counselling sessions before to help with anxiety and anger management, which were helpful. But these sessions...
  19. Lena_C

    Overexcitabilities and Finding Tribe

    (Not written by me) I got a computer science degree because I thought I hated people. I thought I liked logic, technology, and solvable problems. Yet, the more I look at things, the more I am sure that the best predictor of both resilience and health is social connections and belonging. We...
  20. Lena_C

    When Your Child’s Exceptionality is Emotional: Looking Beyond Psychiatric Diagnosis

    (Not written by me) When Your Child’s Exceptionality is Emotional: Looking Beyond Psychiatric Diagnosis by Barbara Probst When people think of a twice-exceptional child, they usually think of someone who’s gifted and learning-disabled. The “second exceptionality” is typically an educational...
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