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  1. StevieRhi

    Asperger's? Or Schizoid Personality Disorder?

    Hello! Haven't been here lately. How are you all? :) A few days ago--this past Thursday--I was reading up on personality disorders; partly because of interest, partly because of wondering. Or rather, symptoms of having one. And I came across 'feelings of emptiness' and that was very, very...
  2. Lena_C

    Mapping the language minefield for kids with autism

    Mapping the language minefield for kids with autism (not written by me) Going bananas. Laughing your head off. Phrases that aren’t literally true make no sense if you have autism, like Michael Barton Why do people with autism, like yourself, find the English language so confusing? Autistic...
  3. Lena_C

    Autism Awareness Day 2016: What’s The Difference Between Autism And Asperger’s Syndrome?

    Autism Awareness Day 2016: What’s The Difference Between Autism And Asperger’s Syndrome? (Not written by me) One in 68 children in the United States has autism spectrum disorder, a rate that has increased significantly since the 1980s, yet many people still do not understand the disorder...
  4. Lena_C

    Autism And Epilepsy: The Complex Relationship Between Cognition, Behavior And Seizure

    For your reference. http://ispub.com/IJN/4/1/7948
  5. nyxjord

    Guidelines or rules for ASD group at college

    As I've stated before, I started an ASD group for students at my college this past summer. Right now I am working on guidelines or rules for the group members to follow. I haven't been able to come up with much and am hoping to get some input for what you think would be some good guidelines for...
  6. L

    NPD /ASD what's the relationship?

    Hi all, I am struggling to distinguish the differences between NPD and AS. I have spent the last six years reading everything on NPD and I am 99.9% sure that it is my fathers condition, but now I have read a bit about AS am wondering if I have got it wrong. The questions I want to ask are...
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