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  1. rollerskate

    MBTI (Meyers Briggs Personality)

    I kind of have this hypothesis going that auties are most likely to come up as INT- or INF- on a Meyers-Briggs assessment... I thought it might be kind of fun to find out if there's any truth to that! So, if you don't already know your MBTI personality type, you can take a free quiz on it...
  2. Renzo

    Autism & The Ability to Feel

    (From my official blog, Autistic Spirits) A lot of neurotypicals("normal people") think having autism means you don't have feelings. This is one of the most common stereotypes about autistic people and it's far from the truth. Someone on the spectrum does feel, but he/she expresses it in a...
  3. Renzo

    Autistic Spirits

    Hey all! I'm Renzo and on this blog, I will talk about the beauty of autism. I also have an "official" blog(Autistic Spirits) and I will post some articles from that blog on this one.
  4. Renzo

    What are some "autistic problems" you need a solution for?

    Hey, I'm Renzo and I got a question for you guys. I recently started an organization called Autistic Spirits and I'm looking for some problems me & my team can solve. So go ahead and get your struggles of your chest!
  5. china autie

    Hello it's me.

    I am new here. I was a late talker, have always had difficulties making friends, yes to special interests or passions, stimming yes, meltdowns yes, total sensory difficulties yes, face blindness yup that too. I am here partially to get back in touch with my authentic autistic self.
  6. Ginseng

    Says autistics feel

    People with autism can read emotions and feel empathy
  7. E

    Travelling to the U.S.A but can't bring my son's CBD oil.

    I and my family are American Citizens living overseas. We all have current U.S.A. passports. We are planning a family vacation next summer (2019). My youngest son (17 years old next week) has been diagnosed with Autism and Epilipsy. He is currently being treated (with a doctor’s prescription...
  8. pjcnet

    Are some Uber taxi drivers prejudiced against people with autism?

    My friend and I are as far as I know perfect Uber taxi riders and quite often travel together, we are always at the location at the booking time, there's never been any payment issues, we are very respectful, neither of us drink, neither of us have ever caused any issues in any way what-so-ever...
  9. pjcnet

    Would you take a magic pill to permanently transform into an NT?

    This question obviously only applies to members who are on the autistic spectrum. Many people on the autistic spectrum like myself must wonder what it would be like to be NT, how would it actually feel? Well what if a full so called "cure" suddenly became available? In fact it could almost be...
  10. L

    Hello! I'm 17, Female with ASD, no friends

    Hi! I'm new to the site :-) My Story I left school at 14 due to my mental health and being undiagnosed - I have struggled with school all my life and I was at breaking point; having panic attacks everyday before school. One day my dad decided enough was enough and I didn't go to school that...
  11. pjcnet

    Could asthma and allergies during pregnancy be linked to autism?

    I was diagnosed as autistic as a very young child in the 1970s along with both my brothers who are severely autistic. Neither of my brothers can read or write, count to 5 or do many things that a "normal" person can and sadly they will need 24/7 care for the rest of their lives. I was also very...
  12. Z

    Fiddle Toy Stigma

    All over my facebook I am seeing people complain about fiddle cubes, spinners etc but why. Since fiddle toys have come on to the mainstream market they are getting a lot of bad press. I always have a fiddle toy such as a tangle or snake with me to stop me scratch my hands and keep my anxiety at...
  13. Caelix3

    Why is Autism Speaks bad?

    I was wondering why Autism Speaks is bad. I hear so many people saying it is bad, in the autism community. I was wondering why it is bad, as I don't understand. I saw a group member wearing an autism speaks shirt in the group that I go to. The group is for people with autism or people on the...
  14. Caelix3

    Problems with relationships?

    I tend to have problems maintaining a relationship. It either turns out to be toxic or the other person is too sexual. I identify as Panromantic asexual. I find it hard to have a relationship when most people are sexual and want sex. While I don't. It also doesn't help that my autism, causes me...
  15. J

    Intimacy sucks. Help.

    My boyfriend and I are doing great and we love each other to death but he wants intimacy physically and I don't. I'm also asexual (not sexually attracted to anyone) and refuse to have sex because it doesn't appeal to me and I hate it. I also don't like too much skin touching, and he wants to...
  16. J

    Is anyone hyposexual?

    So I have like zero sex drive. I mean, I literally feel like nothing has changed since I was a kid. Physically, my body works just fine and I'm old enough to know that my feelings about it aren't gonna change. I'm just curious if this is a me thing or an aspie thing. I consider myself asexual...
  17. J

    Do carbonated drinks hurt? Like, a lot?

    Every time I drink soda, or even a slurpee from 7-11, my tongue and throat BURN as soon as any little bubbles touch it. If I have a lot I can feel it hours later, like I scratched my throat really bad. I barely touched the tip of my tongue to soda recently and I shrieked and covered my mouth...
  18. J

    Hey guys I need some help and it'll take like 2 seconds

    Hello, fellow aspie here! So at my school we're having a contest and I need your help! Everyone in my graphic design 2 class made a T-shirt design and the top 5 will be printed and sold at a festival nearby. The ones with the most likes on Twitter and Instagram get chosen! It would mean the...
  19. Vinca

    Where Are All The Autistic Women And Girls?

    (not written by me. And the article was too long to fit into a post, so i have only copy pasted a section of it, from the folowing link http://www.buzzfeed.com/rosebuchanan/where-are-all-the-autistic-women-and-girls?bffbuk&utm_term=.taLp5KLYv#.leqqNLXGK ) Rebecca Hendin / BuzzFeed “I am...
  20. U

    Participate in Research!

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