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  1. J


    I hand-picked a can of Spaghettios at the store and planned a specific time and day to eat them. And my brother ate them without telling me. It's an autistic nightmare.:eek:
  2. J

    Autism simulation opinions and ideas!

    Hey guys! I didn't know where to post this so here I go. For a big project at my high school I'm going to do a 30 minute simulation/game about autism so people know what it's like. I have Asperger's so I know what it's like already. I was thinking of doing an obstacle course of some sort of...
  3. J

    Not sure if I should date.

    I've been very anxious lately. There's a guy I've liked for like 2 years and we're good friends and hang out sometimes. Sometimes I go a bit far in my Aspie fantasies and think waaaay into our future even though we're not even dating. Problem is, I like him, and yet I feel like I don't want to...
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