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  1. P

    Im Pretty Unsure

    Im pretty unsure as to whether i have High Functioning Autism/ Aspergers so i intend to post elements of my life and of why i think i have HFA/ Aspergers. I do quite a lot of introspection coupled with research on the symptoms and not knowing drives me crazy, it feels like if i could put a...
  2. Jenisautistic

    i’ll make an Advocate out of you ( original song )

    Hey guys I thought I would finally share this song with You. Hope you enjoy !
  3. Jenisautistic

    For those of you with difficulty reading

    Do you find fiction or nonfiction more difficult to read? I have dyslexia among many things. And I find that realistic fiction or nonfiction I don’t have a less problems andmore complex fiction Or fantasy books. Although fantasy is one of my favorite genres as well as realistic fiction ...
  4. Jenisautistic


    Rolling with the trend of people showing their books on YouTube and doing book hauls. so I decided to make my own Book Haul video. i’m trying my best not to try to read and understand when I read as much as I can .even though reading makes me want to throw up and makes my head spin I still love...
  5. ConqueringZero44

    Driving and Me.

    So, i got my license a couple years ago. The theory tests were easy, most theory is. Depending, on a person's level of understanding, but anyway. That's beside the point. When i did my test, it took me till the fifth attempt to be able to get it. I was always jealous of people who could pass on...
  6. ConqueringZero44


    Love and Acceptance is something i cherish. Always. Now it's a different story. I've had two relationships in my life, one of them being rather intense while the other was more different. My first relationship, i met her online.. Things were going well, and we were both hooked on each other, the...
  7. ConqueringZero44


    Thoughts about my life if they come up, and if they don't. Life, love, loss, anything. This will be written maybe(?) if i can muster up a thought. And maybe you will find it engaging! Thank you!
  8. M

    Are aspies and auties boring people?

    Over the years I've been called boring by people I know, and so has my spouse. And the first thought I had when it was said at the time was; Not if you could see inside my brain, you wouldn't even be able to follow the things I'm thinking about at the moment. One of the reasons I enjoy...
  9. aspieandconfused_87

    So hard to find people to connect with...

    Hello, My name is Brent, I am new to the forum, I am originally from Texas and have been living in Northern California for over 6 years now, so I live in Silicon Valley (yes the place around the show was based) and all these tech giant, the dating scene here is terrible, bad male to female...
  10. Joshua the Writer

    Joshua's Stuff, I Guess.

    If you are interested in videogames, YouTube videos, my life, learning about the games I'll probably make, and more, you should probably go to this blog, I guess.

    Asperger Syndrome Is a Robber

    i don’t know how long I’ve had AS, all I know is symptoms began after elementary school when I was joked and ridiculed by other kids. I never had any friends, I never had a gf who really loved me, just a slew of broken relationships, and from all this-until I was 23- 10 years of anxiety...
  12. SparklAng

    Virtual lined paper

    The contents of this blog are essentially a virtual version of the many lined notebooks I seem to accumulate- more specifically, my thoughts on current issues/ news, creative expression, things on my mind, and a number of miscellaneous posts.... welcome!
  13. I

    Ramblings of a Lost Adult

    I don't choose sides. I listen and analyze. I want to learn more about other people from all kinds of communities to further understand why communication is so difficult within societies, when all we are are born, and out to survive.
  14. Diagnosed2015

    My Life Is A Cartoon

    I'm lovingly sarcastic and try to find a humorous way to hide my anxiety. I answer questions regarding ASP Spectrum and Adult Support Group (in real life). I see life through the eyes of a child, unless I am forced to be an adult that day.
  15. Jenisautistic

    How the movie Lilo and stitch compares to my life

    How the movie Lilo and stitch compares to my life Well I just watch the movie Lilo and stitch today since A while back. I believe the like lilo r we are a little but broken family. I do have my mom my aunt my uncle and my grandmother and some cousins. But I may be overthinking that part. I...
  16. D

    Why am I so forgetful.

    So I'm really stressed out right now. I am a sophomore in college, who lives in the dorms, and I just found out that I missed the deadline for applying for housing next year. I honestly don't know how I forgot it, especially since it closed 20 DAYS AGO. I seem to be so forgetful yet I remember...
  17. Ameriblush

    No more wasting time.

    Can I make my obsession with comic strip a profession? I made a post not too long ago about wanting to take my interests in drawing and cartooning seriously. I've decided I'm not going to wait anymore. I feel like I'm wasting my life worrying daily. I have a on of ideas for stories, worlds...
  18. Ameriblush

    Remembering years of bullying.

    Lately I've been having flashbacks of the days when I got bullied in school. They range from the typical teasing, to having things thrown at me, gossiped about, falsely accused of vandalism, being called mentally challenged, 'roasted' by the entire classroom when I had done nothing wrong or...
  19. Rising_Son

    My Introduction

    Hello. I've always been an outcast, but I have what seems to be a unique predicament. Before I go further, I will warn in advance that some things that I say may be uncomfortable to others. I will follow all community guidelines, but I hope that this community can be tolerant of the way that I...
  20. Sabrina


    Hi, is anyone here a minimalist or is interested in minimalism? I started this lifestyle path formally four years ago, but I've always been interested in finding new ways to simplify my life. Having less visual distractions at home, and reducing the amount of decisions that I have to make...
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