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  1. Z

    27th May 2017

    "No kid Is cookie cook cutter, their fore we can't treat them like they are" said myself in reference t people who all kids learn the same an uniform, when they are all individually made.
  2. aquariuskevin


    The beauty of life I see each day crys of those suffering in our lords world today up with the rich and with with the poor...
  3. aquariuskevin


    Hibernation is over spring is here the beauty of nature starts to appear bulbs in the garden daffs out on display bluebells in the woods the beauty each day...
  4. aquariuskevin

    Hello I am kevin from portsmouth uk .I am 54 only diagnose just over a year ago as autistic .

    I believe autism has been the causes of a lot of problems in my life from my relationships to me know longer having any contact with my family ,problems in work places ,socialising and mixing with others,education and issues to do with marital side of life.depression,anxiety,my ability to...
  5. SailorMars1994

    Aspie MtF in need of help

  6. Z

    Feeling patronized

    Does anyone else find that the world is patronizing towards them(well meaning or otherwise). For example "You do really well for a person like you" and my new pet hate the pecks chart at collage which includes a section for the whether.I mean I know we are pathways course but we are still...
  7. ryan1205

    Can you be happy with living alone for a long time?

    I'm not saying that I am alone. I have many friends and besides, I am only 19. But sometimes I worry how life will turn out when I am in my mid 20s to 30s. I feel that I might be alone for a long time to come, and when I mean alone, I mean having that special someone in your life. I was never...
  8. ryan1205

    Blog 1: About Me

    This is my first blog so please don't think that it's bad or trashy. Anyways, I am Ryan. I was born in Dothan, Alabama on December 5, 1997 along side my twin brother, Christian. I also have to older brothers, Rob and Mike but they live in a different state. My parents took me and my twin...
  9. M

    Leonard Cohen on his way out

    In light of a number of threads about celebrities shortly after being deceased. I thought I would start one on Leonard Cohen, because many have worried about his health. See this news article. He gives sign that his life is coming to an end. *Official website *Leonard Cohen files Our bodies...
  10. M

    Desperate for help and advice - I am sure this is the Love of my life

    Hello everyone, Being in a relationship with this guy for 4 months now and I am certain I've never felt a stronger attraction/love. We met on the internet, I approached him because he was interesting. I never regretted it. We clicked like a clock. He has AS, but Im sure this is partially why I...
  11. danielcollins

    Outlook On Life

    I'm curious to know what people's general outlook on life is, very high level - beit positive or negative. I've come to realise over the last few years that I'm a very positive person, I rarely get angry and I'm more willing to just accept (most) things for what they are. But with this...
  12. U

    Changing routine to adapt to life's demands

    I read a lot. At least I prefer to. I have a ton of books from volunteering at the library. My normal reading time, according to the routine I've settled into, is late in the afternoon. Unfortunately my part-time retail job often makes doing it at that time impossible (though I have three days...
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