He treats me with disrespect and very condescending towards me. He likes to poke his finger on me, such as my head and arm to annoy me. Likes to call me by my name. As the age he acts, that is difficult. He’s very immature! Let’s say my 21 yr old is so much more mature.
He does have a lock on his door. And tonight we certainly will be talking about this after his work.
I feel this shouldn’t be done when someone is home during the day. I certainly wouldn’t. Isn’t this common sense in someone’s home? Am I expecting too much?
After reading what you've shared, I'm more bothered by his total lack of respect for his mother. Being an Aspie doesn't mean he has a right or carte blanche to treat you disrespectfully. That seems to tie in with his lack of discretion.
To be brutally frank, I don't believe I could tolerate such disrespect. I'd either show him the door or the back of my hand.