So you're an autism speaks advocate now? BTW, she never came back. It wasn't because of me, or Buzzerfly, I guarantee it. The real loving parents are the ones who stick around. There are dozens on here. Been on here for years. They introduce themselves, and a REAL parent always says good things about their child. Even if they have problems. Not introduced smut. The OP's actions actually are troll like. I'm not illogical. Quite the opposite. Tired of the grumpy cats and "angel cats" trying to sound caring, but being anything but.
No Did not remotely advocate for AS. Please reread my last post for clarification. Your attitude against parents asking for help is why I mentioned it. You really are misunderstanding things. Then you said, ”A real parent only says good things about their child” —What distant galaxy have you come from???? No parent I have ever known is like that. That is utterly illogical, unfactual, and ridiculous.
Where should a parent having problems with their adult autistic child go if not on the parenting or friends/family sections of these autism forums? Are you saying that all the posts in that section are all fake or made up? Not everyone “introduces themselves” either. It’s not mandatory, and it’s easy to understand why not everyone would want to do so.
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