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A-Z Places

Tuscany, Italy


Cuyahoga Valley National Park
About equidistant (13-15 miles) between Cleveland and Akron in Ohio

Erie, Pennsylvania
Lake Erie and the Bicentennial Tower (built for the 1996 celebration of the city's two hundredth year)
Heirapolis, Türkiye


The Plutonion, entry to the underworld, guarded by Hades. The arched
entryway visible below the temple leads to caverns that fill with carbon
dioxide, from seismic activity. Several deaths have been recorded of
incautious visitors.
Ione, Amador County, California


A little former gold rush town in Central California, near the mountains. I have old friends from there.

What epitomises Japan? Maybe this Shinto shrine surrounded by high-rise buildings in Tokyo?


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