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A-Z Places


Jamaica, Queens, NY
John F. Kennedy International Airport

Does it count as a double "J"?
Jamaica, Queens, NY
John F. Kennedy International Airport

Does it count as a double "J"?
Double J (2JJ) was a government-funded, national Australian radio station founded in 1975 as a division of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC). It aimed to appeal to young listeners of alternative music, and played more Australian content than commercial networks. Following the switch to FM transmission, it changed to Triple J. (FM stations had three-letter call signs, to distinguish them from the older, AM stations that had two letters. The number at the front designated the state.)
Double J (2JJ) was a government-funded, national Australian radio station founded in 1975 as a division of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC). It aimed to appeal to young listeners of alternative music, and played more Australian content than commercial networks. Following the switch to FM transmission, it changed to Triple J. (FM stations had three-letter call signs, to distinguish them from the older, AM stations that had two letters. The number at the front designated the state.)
This type of comment is what makes these forums so much fun.

Łódź, Poland
Plac Wolności (Liberty Square)
The name of the city is pronounced as "Woodj".
Hi all,
Can we all try to post some pictures in here? I really like seeing the images others post of the places they name.

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