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A-Z Places


Metropol Istanbul
The tallest of the three towers is 301 meters (987.5 feet).
Needles, San Berdoo County, CA


About as far east as you can go in Cali. The Needles are the jagged bluffs outside of town.

Black-necked Stilts in Rendezvous Bay Pond, an Important Bird Area (IBA) in the British Overseas Territory of Anguilla.
Ueno Park, Tokyo


It was autumn, so the lotus flowers in the pond (Hasu no Ike) were not in bloom.

Victory Square, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
It was dedicated in 1985 to mark four decades since the defeat of Nazi Germany.
According to the World Population Review, the largest town in the US beginning with Z is Zionsville, Indiana. It was founded in 1852 as a railroad town. The 2020 Census showed a doubling of residents from the previous one, climbing to just above 30,000. Shown here is the Sullivan Munce Cultural Center, housed in the town's former library.

The Breakers Palm Beach, a 534-room luxury hotel. The present building was opened in 1926.
Fujisan, Japan


One of my first glimpses of Mt Fuji, from near Hakone. No snow! This was in November, the latest in the year Mt Fuji has been without snow since records have been kept.


A couple of days later, when we got there, still no snow.

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