Well-Known Member
During my school years, whenever I was into somebody specific, I’d go for it and would always get hurt. I don’t want to be hurt.Yeah, that latter one is a bit mean. I think there's a pretty big chance that they would be heading into things with at least the belief that they are looking for someone to have a loving relationship with, but you'd be heading in with the feeling of "I'm not really into you but you make me feel validated". I'm sure there are plenty of women who actually do get validation out of relationships (and men too) but I don't think it would be common that they would be there knowingly purely for validation. I think you would probably find you'd hurt quite a few people that way because to some extent it requires them to like you for you to get that validation.
But you can, and you are.
Everybody has their own experiences, but mine, I had a very hard time making friends especially when I was a kid, always being that kid picked on by others, disliked by others and being picked last in gym class. I’ve never had more than a small circle of friends, but at least I’ve gotten more into adulthood.
I also am in a rural area, women aren’t as near me, I’m lonely, I have no siblings and I have a small family. It’s tough, I feel alone a lot of times and I wish to change this.
Let me just say this in regards to complaining, and you can tell me if I’m wrong, I think generally speaking, a woman who complains about men will tend to get more sympathy and support than a man who complains about women. Yes, there are exceptions, but that’s it’s come across to me.