But you have all enlightened me soo much , is if I text he won’t reply for ages . Normally when I text with NT friends it’s a fairly usual time lapse but he won’t answer for hours . Is this normal ? For Aspies ? I have queried this and he says “ it’s only been ***** hours “ you psycho ! As if I am at fault , but said in good jest! Confused . Com!!
"Normal" ? Hmm. That's not a term many of us prefer to use, let alone even consider. An abstraction- maybe even a non-sequitur for we who are on the spectrum.

What you have to consider is that some of us are not likely to associate casual conversation as being time-sensitive. Nor for many of us is casual conversation a necessarily pleasant or routine experience. Something you may well take for granted. However in our world, a conversation that amounts to much about nothing can be daunting. Fraught with so many unknowns without patterns or consistencies.
Then again, who knows? If you text him a math problem he might just answer you immediately! Am I kidding? No, though I'm trying to be a tad humorous about it all. It's just who and what we are. Where spontaneous communication can potentially be illogical, mystifying and intimidating to us depending on the circumstances. Or on occasion, we simply might just have nothing to say.
The trick in learning about such things, is not to attempt to make any sense out of it, but rather to take it on face value. To just accept that "it is what it is".
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