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Am l cold and heartless?

I have high EQ and am often referred to as "emotionally bright" (I've had a few people tell me that, including a therapist).

I come across as more honest online than I actually am naturally, because online I tend to get keyboard-happy and pour unfiltered thoughts out. Which can be both negative and positive.
Once again, is this feeling of disconnect the result of psychological trauma (often in early life) or is it the result of an inherent/organic variation?
I have high EQ and am often referred to as "emotionally bright" (I've had a few people tell me that, including a therapist).

I come across as more honest online than I actually am naturally, because online I tend to get keyboard-happy and pour unfiltered thoughts out. Which can be both negative and positive.
So.....Don't. :p
Well, in short, I will answer the OP's question truthfully and honestly. No, you are not cold or heartless.

An example of cold and heartless is merrily torturing or abusing an innocent person or animal and feeling no guilt or remorse.
Well, in short, I will answer the OP's question truthfully and honestly. No, you are not cold or heartless.

An example of cold and heartless is merrily torturing or abusing an innocent person or animal and feeling no guilt or remorse.
A feeling of emotional disconnect is different from being "cold and heartless", in this context.
I want zero romantic connection. I just want to meet someone on their terms, but with no expectations. Is this being ASD? Please don't judge. Just answer from your prospective. Is this my biological disconnect? Please understand, l don't have a personality of doing mean or criminal things, it's just like my disconnect or plug doesn't fit society norms. This is a very difficult issue for me to discuss. However, l don't date much, so my life is relatively safe. I always feel that there is a wall that separates me from whoever l am seeing. We are different in how we make friends, and how we make romantic connections. But somehow this feels like a burden that has lifted from my shoulders.
So the guy you wrote about on your Profile,
him moving in, that's not at all romantic, just
a simple matter of finances?

Or what?
@tree , this isn't about him. I can't discuss him. That's my business, not the forum's business. This is a discussion in general.
@tree , this isn't about him. I can't discuss him. That's my business, not the forum's business. This is a discussion in general.
If it's so private, why is it on your Profile?

Maybe you'd like to Delete that Profile Post.
Sorry @tree , l don't need to delete anything, but thank u for minding my business. Do you feel drawn towards me? :)
This is just a post in general to see how others feel. A profile post isn't necessarily related to a random post on how l feel.
What you said is confusing.
Going on about being heartless and cold, in this thread.
But announcing on your Profile that somebody is going to be moving in with you.

No, I am not particularly drawn toward you.
I am interested in making sense out of what people say,
when that is possible.
I am asking for input in general. I don't feel that l need to explain anything to you as a moderator. I also feel like, being a member here doesn't require me to explain a profile post. Those are separate. If this is confusing, then that is your subjective opinion. Not something that l have to validate as this is a forum of free thoughts. I truly don't expect you to understand everything l post, as we are totally different people. Perhaps go to my profile post and express your discomfort there. This thread is not connected to my profile post.
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I wasn't asking "as a moderator."

I was asking because the thread and the profile
remarks don't seem to reconcile. They seem to
be in conflict.

So I thought you'd be able to clarify, be able to
help me out with understanding what you're
trying to say.

This seems to be a sensitive subject for you.
Can we truly admit we don't feel? Is this our big aha moment? I feel so bad to argue logic over emotions. I refuse to pass judgment here.
I prefer logic to emotions but it has bit me in the behind more than once. I'm going on an autistic tangent but: if I think there's no rational reason for someone to get upset I will post what I think even if somewhere in the back of my mind I think maybe someone might get upset. I've had to tweak my decision making to be more intuitive than rational as that seems to be the dominant way people react, even in the autistic community. Which is a shame for me personally as I get frustrated at things that go unsaid.
@tree , nope it's not sensitive. Again, this is your subjective interpretation. You have decided that my post and my profile are creating conflict based on your interpretation. I don't see that all. And again, l ask you to take your concerns to my profile. Again, this is a post asking for other forum members thoughts.
@tree , you feel a need to label me because l chose to disagree with you. That is on you. It's a free world, just because l disagree with you doesn't give you the the authority to label me. Oh, and l am sorry you felt the need to go there. Peace out.

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