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Am l cold and heartless?

I don't think you're "cold and heartless", not at all, you've been very kind to me, and I've witnessed you being kind and supportive to many, many other people, as well.

Perhaps you are somewhat personally "detached" but, I don't think there is anything wrong with that.
Maybe there is an element of alexithymia going on for you? I'm just saying this because I do deal with that and it can take time for me to figure out how I feel. It takes work for me to enquire within as to how I feel about people and if there is stress or trauma, that I'm dealing with, even longer. Delayed processing is definitely a thing I've figured out I experience often, and I now take that into account when trying to figure out how I feel about someone.

I do, personally feel that I care about people, on an intellectual and general way, but on a personal level, I think I'm quite detached.

Intellectual stimulation is very important to me and if that is lacking, I can, personally, feel quite indifferent toward people. My love feelings aren't dependant on other's at all, they are independent and coming from a different plane, and yet I experienced limerance toward my now "special friend", attraction for him, affection and friendship, but, at times I feel like I would enjoy singleness just as much.
My children; I love fiercely, but again, it's coming from a different plane that I think is part of my autistic experience. I'm very invested in doing my duty toward them. I'm aware that I'm what they have, as a main support person, and I try my best to deliver but even there there is a level of emotional detachment.
My parents I really struggle to feel connected with, at all.
I do feel "I'm in the world but not of the world" and death has, for the most part, been a comforting thought, as long as no one is unduly hurt by my leaving, like my kid's would've had I died when they were younger, but as long as I'm not needed, I'm quite happy with the thought of leaving it all and everyone here. That's how detached, I generally, am. Is it part of my autistic profile? Probably.
I want zero romantic connection. I just want to meet someone on their terms, but with no expectations. Is this being ASD? Please don't judge. Just answer from your prospective. Is this my biological disconnect? Please understand, l don't have a personality of doing mean or criminal things, it's just like my disconnect or plug doesn't fit society norms. This is a very difficult issue for me to discuss. However, l don't date much, so my life is relatively safe. I always feel that there is a wall that separates me from whoever l am seeing. We are different in how we make friends, and how we make romantic connections. But somehow this feels like a burden that has lifted from my shoulders.
Have you had trauma in your life related to relationships and/or sexuality? The "barrier" resonates with me and in my personal experience it's related to trauma issues.
My first actual date was at 39 and we married a year later. She passed 2 years ago, after 24 years of marriage. I am not looking for a new romantic partner.
Yes, everyone is right, l had delayed processing. My last relationship, the person lied, and gaslight me. That kinda killed the innocent part of me. Now l can't rely on those type of emotions, they just don't exist anymore in regards to romance. There is a bunch of other things l went thru that pushed me there also.
Yes, everyone is right, l had delayed processing. My last relationship, the person lied, and gaslight me. That kinda killed the innocent part of me.
I think the suggestion was that something in your history may have caused you emotional dissociation.
I would have expected childhood trauma to have been the cause of that.

I am having trouble keeping up.
Did you say you always had your emotional disconnect?
I think l had the ability at one time, l think my last relationship left me shattered. I think l felt l could truly trust them, and that wasn't true. Now l can't trust anymore. I thought they were coming from a place of kindness, because they constantly preached kindness, but now l feel they aren't kind at all.
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I think l had the ability at one time, l think my last relationship left me shattered. I think l felt l could truly trust them, and that wasn't true. Now l can't trust anymore. I thought they were coming from a place of kindness, because they constantly preached kindness, but now l feel they aren't kind at all.
I had great difficulty managing my emotional distress after a breakup, to the point of avoiding relationships for 35 years.
When I did fall in love again, it was platonic.
And when we moved apart, I was devastated, again, and it took me a full year to recover.

As a result, I was never the same again and developed a degree of protective emotional distancing.
I think this is to be expected.

I guess the "evidence" may suggest you have changed due to your bad experiences.
I don't think we have a definitive answer, however.

Perhaps we should arrange another therapeutic session next week.
I am afraid our time is up today. :P [/spoil]
I am not a lab rat, so evidence isn't necessary, this is just a discussion to see how others approach similar thoughts. :)
I am not a lab rat, so evidence isn't necessary, this is just a discussion to see how others approach similar thoughts. :)
This is the way I do discussions. lol
I am one of those clueless ultra-rational aspies.

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