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Every time I chance upon someone gyreing in a wabe, I wonder, "Shall I gimble?";
Is that a childish and innocent urge, or more intrusive and imposing?
What does "Don't ever, ever, ask me that again." mean, because I frequently
mis-apprehend subtlety and nuance?
Does it mean, ask another Magic 8 ball, because the one you asked is tired or possibly has an issue relating to gimbling, gyring etc?
What are the qualifications necessary for a daemon, (or a demon, for that matter,) to be considered a desirable candidate for occupation of an (unmagicked, as of yet) 8-Ball?
Would they have to be patient, laid back, flexible, broadminded and able to do Magic (if a demon) or Magick (if a Daemon )?
Why, I am asking myself, does it sound like you have experience placing daemons and demons in entry-level billiard opportunities?
But counting in tens must also become somewhat erratic
when turned up too high, mustn't it?
Is that "as told by" white northern european colonials in an attempt to justify martial law and the subjugation of indigenous South Asians while continuing to exploit them(Yep. Time to make salt.)?

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