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Are we promoting the negative expectation that the world's oceans will soon run out of fish thus raising prices or the overly-positive expectations that at least then we will never have to take fish oil ever again?
On the average, would you say nieces would tend to be
stealthy while nephews might be more forceful?
Conversely: In general, would you say that these same niece's fathers would tend to be more nurturing, while those nephew's mothers might be more pragmatic, respectively?
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Doesn't "gingerbread" refer to the extras, the options, the geegaws, bells, and whistles, most usually the expensive and luxurious ones?
While griddle bread is generally considered to be flat, is it a "flat bread", a "flat" bread, or a flat "bread"?
Does it sing, tap dance, and do impressions, or just lay there in the pan?

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