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Isn't it true that socks usually appear as pairs
so that might be a code of some sort?
Who besides Chatty Cathy would appear on the
plaything version of TED talks (aka TEDDY Talks)?
What about Jimmy Gourd, Jerry Gourd, Madame Blueberry,
Petunia Rhubarb, Pa Grape, Mr. Nezzer, Phillipe Pea,Jean- Claude Pea,
Scallion #1, Laura Carrot, Dad Asparagus, Mom Asparagus, Scooter Carrot,
Mabel Pear, Penelope Asparagus, Phil Winklestein the Celery, Annie Green Onion,
Grandpa George Green Onion, Miss Achthema, Khalil the Caterpillar,
Ichabeezer the Zucchini, Percy Pea, Li'l Pea, Grandma Gourd, Tom Grape, Ma Grape,
Rosie Grape, Charlie Pincher the Scallion, Goliath the Pickle, Apollo Gourd,
Art Bigotti, Libby Asparagus, Esther the Leek, Buzz-Saw Louie, Nicky Pepper,
Palmy the Coconut Palm Tree, Fibrilous Minimous, The Peach, and Henry Potato?
Isn't the artist formerly known as Bob the Tomato
going through a midlife crisis now,
driving fast and calling himself " 'Mater"?
Does that mean Bob has transitioned and
accepted a position as House Mother
for an on-campus sorority?

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