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If we're going to speak in conditional tense,
isn't the probability fairly certain that there
will be some statistical chance of virtually
anything, regardless how minute that
possibility may be?
In a sense, isn't every question asked (here, or elsewhere) conditional,
dependent upon some other information/understanding?
That's alot of upkeep, what, with handlers and trainers
and stall shovelers, is a lease option available?
Since we are talking about a trending turnkey operation
guaranteed to amass the owner infinite wealth, fame,
and power, is a flat rate of ten cents per week, in
perpetuity, too much to ask?
Will it provide the financial freedom and security
of my Mushroom Gymnastics Exhibit,
or my 24/7 Emergency Lighting
Firefly Crew?
Wasn't the former a Pay Per View event,
and the latter strictly on a voluntary basis?

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