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Does this have to do with his altered time-li-
Am I missing something crucial here?
Do you think that I was wondering if
you believed that lava, in it's strictest
sense, could exist in a state other
than molten?
What if I googled the term "lava" and found out it can also be used to refer to molten "ice mixtures" in eruptions on the icy satellites of the Solar System's gas giants, and then instead of pretending that I
knew it all along, suggested that I will be thinking of it in the future, because I am planning to learn a
short cut for time travel very very soon?
I would tend to think that a muskmelon was of greater gravity and import,
than a watermelon, wouldn't you?
Watermelons with seeds, watermelons without seeds, and cats and dogs, living together,
what's this world coming to?

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