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When one quotes a movie line, is one
quoting the actor/actress, or is one
quoting the writer?
Would you say you are more like
Miles Standish or John Alden, if
those are the given choices?
That's a difficult choice, given each's
prominence; which do you think would be
more becoming?
Why is it, in response to your questions,
I keep wanting to reply in the voice of
your non-existent Jewish grandmother?
So are you telling me that you're not still Facebook friends with
any of those nice boys you met when you were at the casino?
It's been years, since it was asked, tell me,
Has anyone figured out why we park
on a driveway, and drive on a parkway?
What about when the parts of the car fall out on the parkway,
but you're from Boston so nobody knows what "cah pots" are
much less, "a pahk way"?

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