Being on this site has shown me many of you are not remotely boring I hang out with a number of NT's they to me are boring, sports fanatics etcetera.
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Once, my friends told me that they were going to sit on a cafe and wanted me to come also. Normally, if they were other people i would just say no and make up an excuse. But we were close friends, and i told them that it's one of the most boring activities i heard. Said something like "we'll just sit, drink something and look each other's face?". At that point, even them people who i'm friend with for six years seemed like they were one of those stranger, scary NT's. They gave me a strange look and told me they were going to just chat. I don't think they thought i was an aspie or anything but they definetly thought i was boring as hell.
Just remember folks being ~130 I.Q. is 1 in 65. Being 140 is 1 in 360. It's tough to find people you can talk to when you are smart.
One man's boring is another man's...uh, not-boring. :/Over the years I've been called boring by people I know, and so has my spouse. And the first thought I had when it was said at the time was; Not if you could see inside my brain, you wouldn't even be able to follow the things I'm thinking about at the moment.
One of the reasons I enjoy boring, is I don't like surprises, arguments, drama, the roller coaster of emotions that comes with living a regular life. Someone told me that not only am I boring, but canada as a country is boring
Find this amusing, and wonder if being boring is a reflection of others perceptions of a country and people who shovel snow four months out of the year. And because of the weather stay inside a lot.
As an aspie/autie how do you think about your life?
There is some truth to this, but in my experience it's not so simple. My IQ is over 130, but I have more fun talking to people with intellectual disabilities. I find them more honest, sincere, and curious. A lot of people with average or higher IQs seem to lack curiosity, and are too convinced of their intelligence. I'd rather talk to someone who knows little, but wants to learn, than people who think they know more than others because they're very smart in one area. Which is often what you find with high IQs. Sometimes we see the whole world through our strengths, forgetting there is more than our experience.