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Are you a cuddly person?

I'm thinking about experimenting and just forcing myself to look people in the eyes, and we'll see if they think invent some new reason to conclude I'm insufferable. People tell me I look angry in my pictures, but I'm just focused. So, what are they going to think when I'm focused on complying with their eye contact standards?
This is actually in the autistic range of eye contact. Intense focusing on the other's eyes. It is generally not received well either. You are perceived as too agressive
You just gave me the mental image of someone hugging someone and licking their face!:laughing:

I know that kinda stuff exists in the headspace of the Furry Fandom. A fandom that I have some familiarity with, for better or worse.

Don't really engage in it anymore, though.
Yes, I do like cuddling. But I don't like touching or being touched by just anyone. I guard my body. I have to really trust them and feel true, overwhelming affection. If both those boxes are checked, then yes, I'm cuddly, for hours and hours.
When I was a teen I got outed because I didn't fit in. My friend would date guys nice cars, kiss with eyes open and be a real slut.
Joy of leaving school was taking pressure off and realising we don't have to all conform to this. But as life went by I realised more and more than some jobs reserved for men, that I wasn't social butterfly at card shop...outsted again.
Most men just want sex, don't care

How often do you feel overwhelming affection, or so called fall in love. (Not often, once in lifetime) does it bother you that men behave as is towards score card, lie to you for 3 months just to tell buddies what you do?
Honestly still confused by what makes man decide to marry.....didn't think it was love. Sometimes genetic theft or snatching money philosophy cow.

I was keen to learn about social rejects who were better off alone. Apparently their are good guys, mostly a-sexual ones. I battle financially locking typical males out. Really do operate in different world and I'd never turn my daughter to wolves at school.
Love n guidance, less criticism
Both physical and emotional factors influence the mother-child bonding process. In separation anxiety disorder a child becomes fearful and nervous when away from a loved one, usually a parent or other caregiver. New mothers do not always experience instant love toward their child. Instead, the bond can strengthen over time, or fail to develop. Bonds can take hours, days, weeks, or months to develop.[1]

This exact friend of mine married and went overseas many years ago, when you marry for money how is your maternal bond different from those who believed love was special or supposed to be.
Men just want sex, sometimes they act like father figures, even to other people's kids. But not sure as operate without love, it's sex. Without unconditional love as all man cares about his his image and money. (nT range of men you gals ought to avoid n not waste time on)
Imagine a child raised by a man, house clean would never happen. Child need anti-psychotic unconditional love from a creature with breasts. Bond, I'm tired.whatever
I wish people could realise that a man touching my leg or trying to stick his fingers down my panties....creates shock and I jump. This was a learning curve when I was younger in free ball Olympics...I suppose I learnt many rules quickly about good girls not going anywhere....esp. not everywhere

Young guys also just inexperienced and learning..most guys nowadays won't buy you a chocolate let alone realise about my bottle of wine and I like way he kisses her on shoulders and all over. Most guys just won't care about her needs.

If you agree then pls like my comment but don't come back crying when he broke your heart and it's like ye, I told you so

Men just want sex, sometimes they act like father figures, even to other people's kids. But not sure as operate without love, it's sex. Without unconditional love as all man cares about his his image and money. (nT range of men you gals ought to avoid n not waste time on)
Imagine a child raised by a man, house clean would never happen. Child need anti-psychotic unconditional love from a creature with breasts. Bond, I'm tired.whatever
I avoided dating because I had heard about all the game-playing and I was always WYSIWYG. Finished school and college and was in the Air Force before I decided being in a relationship might be possible. Kept my eyes open, but didn't actively try to get into any relationships. Really never met anyone that "clicked" enough to consider asking out.

Years passed, and I was quite comfortable alone. Had a chance meeting with a lady my age (39) who, on hearing I had a boat, asked if I could take her son fishing. We had just met, and I had not met her son at all, so I told her I would be happy to take her and her son fishing. I won't get into the convoluted circumstances that eventually made us realize we were sort of dating, but 11 months after we met, we married. I was a 40 year old virgin. Sex had not been my "goal" at all. I just figured it was the icing on the cake.
I avoided dating because I had heard about all the game-playing and I was always WYSIWYG. Finished school and college and was in the Air Force before I decided being in a relationship might be possible. Kept my eyes open, but didn't actively try to get into any relationships. Really never met anyone that "clicked" enough to consider asking out.

Years passed, and I was quite comfortable alone. Had a chance meeting with a lady my age (39) who, on hearing I had a boat, asked if I could take her son fishing. We had just met, and I had not met her son at all, so I told her I would be happy to take her and her son fishing. I won't get into the convoluted circumstances that eventually made us realize we were sort of dating, but 11 months after we met, we married. I was a 40 year old virgin. Sex had not been my "goal" at all. I just figured it was the icing on the cake.

I don't understand people who say they are comfortable alone and I always assume that their definition of "alone" is very loose. I tend to get attached to people I want to call regularly, I want to know how they're doing, what they're up to, do they want to hang out, do they have anything to share? That's the definition of "friend", to me, and I don't have a single person in my life like that, and I haven't for about fifteen years. I don't get along with family either, so none of them count (for that standard). When people brag that they locked themselves in a room for a week, so they are qualified to journey to Mars now, that means I'm ready to commute to Andromeda, at this point.
I don't understand people who say they are comfortable alone and I always assume that their definition of "alone" is very loose. I tend to get attached to people I want to call regularly, I want to know how they're doing, what they're up to, do they want to hang out, do they have anything to share? That's the definition of "friend", to me, and I don't have a single person in my life like that, and I haven't for about fifteen years. I don't get along with family either, so none of them count (for that standard). When people brag that they locked themselves in a room for a week, so they are qualified to journey to Mars now, that means I'm ready to commute to Andromeda, at this point.
I don't know how "loosely" you mean. I enjoy interacting with other minds. I don't enjoy physical presence unless it's for something practical like helping with someone's task or project. When I camp, I am almost always alone physically. I do have communication capability with me. I always take a Ham Radio, and a cellphone in case there's a usable signal there (I go pretty remote). I have posted to this forum from a tent a number of times. Sometimes a tent on my pontoon boat.
My adult son lives in the same house as me, but he has his own suite. We typically go for days without seeing each other, or only seeing each other in passing for a minute or two.

It's not unusual for me to camp a week or more at a time, so I am physically alone for that continuous time.

Since my wife passed away, I am indeed alone the majority of the time. When I buy groceries, etc., it's a quick "commando run", getting in, grabbing my stuff, and getting out before the sensory overload takes too much toll.
I like hugs and cuddles with my significant other. I hug my kids and I don't know, its different to when they were babies, can feel a bit awkward. I don't know, but I want them to feel loved so I hug them. Sometimes I'll go through the motions of hugging because it seems expected. I'm used to having to do plenty of things that I don't really enjoy and I'm just resigned to them and I can easily dissociate as it has been a coping mechanism my whole life.
I avoid those "friendly" hugs at times, if they feel too forced, by people I don't know well. I love cuddles with my partner but I like alone time and I have my own bed and my own room because I need A LOT of alone time.

I did love having my babies and lots of cuddles with them but I never got my own space, really, when I had small children and that was hard.
I avoided dating because I had heard about all the game-playing and I was always WYSIWYG. Finished school and college and was in the Air Force before I decided being in a relationship might be possible. Kept my eyes open, but didn't actively try to get into any relationships. Really never met anyone that "clicked" enough to consider asking out.

Years passed, and I was quite comfortable alone. Had a chance meeting with a lady my age (39) who, on hearing I had a boat, asked if I could take her son fishing. We had just met, and I had not met her son at all, so I told her I would be happy to take her and her son fishing. I won't get into the convoluted circumstances that eventually made us realize we were sort of dating, but 11 months after we met, we married. I was a 40 year old virgin. Sex had not been my "goal" at all. I just figured it was the icing on the cake.
We don't click in modern society, it's oversexed. I think 40 year old virgin says a lot!!!
There was this Indian restaurant when I was younger, on bathroom walls they painted kama sutra, this was society mindset I was around. I was like mina in Bram Stoker's Dracula.....totally innocent. The one man was masturbating at women in public and was arrested.
My brother said overseas where he is now the people are openly gay, loads drugs....so I'm not first or last to recognise how times have changed.

Maybe for some it's 'normal' cuddles but I've become proactively active in avoiding experiences of what is so called norm, now.

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