I love the quiet times by myself. I enjoy watching an eighties DVD while in bed at night. My family worry a lot because they can't understand why I don't socialise that much. However, sometimes I do a little. Then again, sometimes I can get very down after socialising when I appear to have been left out.
I now figure I can understand better why I get left out and figure it will pay off to try and give friends more of a chance. I think they ignore me mainly because I noticed something that takes place in group interaction:
You see, when we communicate in a group, you'll notice the person who speaks will look at each person to make eye contact. The eye contact then convinces that person you're interested in hearing what they say and you become included. Well, problem is I seldom look at the person who tries to include me so immediately become as if I'm not there and less and less included. It's just psychology. I do speak of course and force my way in at times but tend to overdo it. And now I can see that sometimes when I'm talking to someone I tend to talk at them. Or amazingly pace about while I'm talking.
Much of this I think can be gradually improved. I say that because I work with dogs and dogs will experience all sorts of problems if not socialised.
Of course, you can't cure social communication issues but you can improve and find friends that will appreciate your efforts and do their best to include you more. Most of my friends have lacked understanding at times but some of them I'm now telling about my A.S. situation. So far they've all been O.K. And I really do want to enjoy time by myself but also sometimes mix a bit more. Maybe in stages, taking it gradually.