Well-Known Member
The worst for me is when mty best friend sometimes ignores me. We sort of love each other to pieces but sometimes she seems to ignore me and I get sensitive to it. Last night I walked in to say "Hi!" and she smiled but hardly left off texting. So, off I went in a huff. It was like, "See ya!" and she said "Fine!" Then later on she texted and apologised. Apparently she had been feeling unwell and a bit off side so that's all it was. So, I then played doctor and made a fuss of her as we texted. I told her a couple of weeks ago I was sure I have aspergers and she tried her best to understand. She said it's just a term and "you are who you are". I do very often get mega touchy, though, if she ignores me. Funny because my German Shepherd will rip up his blankets if I use my mobile phone and ignore him. He does it to force me off the phone and attention back to him.