For me it depends alot on whether or not I think the thing in question is bloody stupid. Which it tends to be.
Like, back in highschool, in PE they were always doing sports. Football and basketball and blah blah. I say "they" because I utterly refused to do any of it. I dont even know how to play Whateverball, and had no interest. No, I dont want to leap all over the place or crash into idiots. No amount of coercing could make me do it. Same with running/jogging. Nope. Eventually, they decided "screw it" and had me just walk aimlessly around the track during PE while everyone else did stupid crap.
They could only take the complaints so far, too, which is part of what made it work. For no apparent reason my legs are very strong, and it's really obvious just from looking, so they couldnt exactly say things like "you need to work out, you weak noodle!" Granted my arms ARE weak, but they didnt need to know that.
It's the same for alot of other stuff. If I dont want to do something, then I'm not going to freaking do it. And if I DO want to do something, but the "normal" way is idiotic, I'll do it my way. Usually that happens with gaming. If playing competitively, I often find that the "correct" way to do whatever is often bloody stupid, so I'd always come up with my own methods and techniques. Amusingly, I was usually the one winning.
And above all else.... I'm just inherently stubborn.
Now that being said, there are exceptions. If I need to assemble something, I'll sure as heck follow the instructions. And with my board game hobby, I'll follow the rules to the letter even though I'm playing solo and nobody could complain even if I did change something (the exception is Dark Souls. The normal rules have.... issues... so I use a community-created variant. Hilariously, it actually makes the game even harder). Granted it's easy to forget a rule every now and then, particularly early on, but that applies to pretty much everyone in that hobby.