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ASD and following instructions

Actually, many teachers I have met did really try to kill curiosity. Some teachers were good but most wanted to kill curiuosity.
Music education is just about trying to play from a written score. I want to experiment. I wanna be like a guy who is learning a language. Some say "curiuosity killed the cat" but I say "the teacher killed curiousity"!
Yes, I am negative but I do have the solutions. Teachers need to meet the students were they are. Most don't.
I think the asperger thing is: most aspies need to figure out things on their own. It is hard for me to just repeat things eg an exercise or something on a sheet music. I want to experiment. Learning by too much focus on repetition has been said to be problematic for aspies. So yes I need to complain. But I am not saying I was a good student who accepted that I needed this.

What do you think?

Hmm.. So you want to experiment by yourself first, then you want somebody to hear or criticize your performance? What is it exactly? Maybe you don't need a music teacher in the beginning? Can't you discuss it with your teacher? Or find a teacher you like? Sorry for the ranting
Honestly sometimes I found it annoying when I try to help, introducing this & that that might help the person, but the person is not enthusiastic with it and always refuses all the suggestions flatly. Probably because the suggestions are not inline with his interest or way of doing things (how should I know..).

I would expect someone who always telling that they have this & this problem to be enthusiastic to try any good ideas that might help them overcome it. But maybe I'm mistaken. Maybe he just want me to hear it and just nod. Maybe I was impatient to see the person's growth. Maybe I should stop trying to solve his problem, when he doesn't see it as a problem he needs to change. Maybe I should stop being a worrywart. Sorry for the ranting.

Edit: Ooops, I mistaken "instructions" as "advice". Sorry..

Usually when I reach the point where I'm telling someone else about a problem I have already thought it through from so many angles that I will end up rejecting every suggestion they have for one reason or another. It's exceptionally rare that someone comes up with an idea I haven't already thought of because I have used so much time on it already. They rarely use more than a few seconds to think of their idea so it's just the first thing that comes to mind, and it's tedious and frustrating for everyone to have me verbally walk through the reasons why each of those ideas won't work or aren't acceptable.

If I'm talking about a problem, I'm usually just venting my frustration that the problem appears unsolvable or not solvable in an acceptable way, and not really expecting to get useful advice from anyone. I guess the most satisfactory response would be some kind of acknowledgement or commiseration like "Yeah that's a tough one". If they actually take time to give it some real thought and give me ideas beyond the obvious things that come to mind immediately then that's different but that's not usually how it goes.
I have noticed that most people with ASD are really bad at following instructions. They rather want to do something in there own way. Sure they want help but the teacher or guide have to meet them were they are. Some do not bother to take private lessons in eg music just because they want to do thing their own way. Some do take private lessons and suceed but most people (like me) need to do things their own way and having the teacher accept that. Sure they will need a guide/teacher but only one who let them be who they really are (which sometimes never happpens). What do you think this is all about?

I understand that some people, perhaps yourself included (as implied in your post), may have difficulty in or not be willing to following instructions due to wanting to express themselves just as they are. I don't think not wanting to following instructions due to wanting to express onself is necessarily wrong, unless it is in a context where it is necessary (e.g. for health and safety reasons, or at work or school where the "instructions" are directly related to the job duties).

I think that for myself, sometimes I am not good at understanding instructions because either I find it difficult to understand and/or quickly process the instructions, or maybe sometimes don't really know how to follow a instruction but don't necessarily ask for clarification (which, not asking for clarification is really on me/my fault). My point is that if one doesn't follow instructions because one doesn't understand it, or because one doesn't know how to, that doesn't necessarily mean they don't want to follow instructions!

I think it has to be considered that some people with an ASD (including me sometimes) have difficulty in quickly processing and/or understanding verbal and/or written instructions, sometimes especially those with idiomatic language! Also, I think that even some of those who do not have a diagnosis of any sort can still find it difficult to understand instructions (language-based, visual, or other type of), though some people may find a certain type or format of instruction easier or harder to understand than other types of instructions!

However, some people with ASDs may be comfortable with routines or rituals, and that may interfere with following instructions that interfere with them? However, if that is the case, I can also imagine that it is possible that following certain instructions can also make some people with ASDs feel comfortable.

If the instructions are related to social interaction, perhaps the instructions themselves may be difficult to understand for some people with ASDs, or if it is a case in which the person with ASD can follow it but refuses to do so, perhaps it can be a case of the person with ASD not understanding why it is important. However, for myself I think I would find that clear instructions would make it easier to know what is expected of me and what exactly to do.
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