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Yes, but unfortunately I live in Virginia which will be about the last state to legalize it. Here 's to hoping, though, progress is being made.
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Yes, but unfortunately I live in Virginia which will be about the last state to legalize it. Here 's to hoping, though, progress is being made.
It's not even worth it trying to convince her otherwise. BUT I am very well versed in that subject actually. My alcoholic stepfather is abusive towards my mother. Plain and simple, alcohol is like fuel for the hostility, rage, and violence. No one seems to listen to me though, not even my own mother. So I continue to just live in my own world, it's a pretty chill and happy place.
well Alexa View attachment 11027 here's where I live at 420 Goodbud Blvd. It is also a chill and happy place and 1 mile higher.
Doesn't that maybe make you worry a little about your mom not being able to break out of the cycle of violence?
Alexa sometimes the greatest gifts are the most painful and it sounds like you got a twofer. I somehow think you will neither become an alcoholic or a physical abuser or become attached to one, for that you can thank your mother. Be aware you have no moral responsibility to change your mother, in fact she has chosen who she wishes to be, NYP.Haha, I dream of leaving this mundane place that I live. Everyone is the same, I want to go to a place with people who are different, like me. I guess this forum is as close as I can get!
Yes, it does make me worry to some extent. But my mom hasn't been around for a long long time. She actually left me, at a time when a girl needs her mom the most, just to be with him. I still have a lot of anger in me because of that. It's shocking to me that someone would choose to stay with an alcoholic abuser rather than be with her own children. However, my mom is a grown woman and has reassured me numerous times that she can handle her situation. There is nothing that I can do besides live with it and try to avoid them. It's harsh, but I realized at some point that I have to stop worrying about everyone or it was going to drive me crazy. I can only control myself and my well being and I just try to focus on that. Selfish? Yes. Worth it? Absolutely. I love having no drama, besides deciding if I want to put on pants today![]()
I have to agree with herbal treatments and will stress that marijuana is not the answer for everyone but if it works,continue...if not up on the drugs that are approved for treatments and tell me you are not scared of those as well...the posts I read are full of opinions,many based on media stirred crap shoved down your throat...marijuana use has a stigma about it that is fueled by many untruths...alcohol is horrible for anything,yet very legal to use as well as tobacco use which is known to cause lung cancer,but you never see either of that stuff become the topic of the day to end use of it...pot has many medical uses,and even if smoked presents less a chance of causing lung cancer due to the fact that it would be impossible to smoke 20+ joints a day like cigarettes...I would want to see the research papers showing the 300% greater chance of getting lung cancer from combining marijuana use with cigarettes and not just what someone read about it...I see little science at work here and would need to see control group studies alongside the actual usages of both...sounds like another load of horseshit to me...I see a lot of talk about marijuana curing cancer and many other diseases,but the government refuses to allow proper research so most of it will remain unknown until the good old boy's club will allow studies...I believe that there are other parts of illness or mental problems associated with the use of marijuana that have no sound basis and may be the real problem at hand,not the use of pot itself...nobody ever gets to choose an addiction and blaming addiction to pot is not something I believe to be true...quite possibly the true addiction is to feel good,not addiction to the pot itself...those who say it makes them feel bad should avoid it at all costs,much the same as when your medical professionals try another pill when the results are not favorable on the stuff tried vote is to go natural and continue marijuana use as the human mind already has cannibinoid receptors and the brain makes cannibinoids on it's own to boost your system when it needs to feel good...sound a bit natural to me...I never saw any evidence of the brain making and using chemicals made in labs like big pharma wants you to use...each manufactured treatment often has worse side effects that what they are trying to me some sound research of big pharma chemicals being great and I might take a stand beside you...until then.I will continue to self medicate with marijuana and laugh at the fools offering pill advice...on the same note,read up on the prohibition of alcohol and tell me how well that worked out...
"Legal" is merely a matter of the socially accepted opinion at a given time. As an example, alcohol was legal in the US until prohibition, then it illegal, the it was legal again. The law is NOT truth, nor an absolute. It does not make things good or bad, and it changes.This thread is very "explosive" so I will word it really carefully....
There are a couple of points I'd like to make, which I feel are really important to do incase anyone impressionable reads this thread.
1) Autism isn't a disease, it's a condition. A way of life. No drug (legal or otherwise) is going to "fix" you.
2) People try many different ways to cope with their condition, or the problems brought about by their condition. Not all ways help, some do, and some lead onto more problems. There are many different ways to cope with your condition and/or issues arising from it.
3) Any substance you ingest from a legal source has had some measure of quality control legally applied to it (Quality control is not someone you know saying that this is "good stuff").
4) Any substance you ingest from a non-legal source may contain a cocktail of chemicals which you aren't aware of. These chemicals may vary from harmless to lethal, and you cannot find out which they are. People who supply you with substances will not know either.
5) What you do to yourself is your own choice, and you can choose to be influenced by other people if you want to.
6) People can vary in experience of using illegal drugs from a scale of "it didn't to anything to me" through "wow, i feel great" to "oops, I don't feel well" (followed by a trip to the morgue).
7) Whilst there are many different types of substances out there, and the public perception of them might be anything from "it's highly addictive, stay away" to "it's not that bad really", everybody has a different reaction to everything and you won't know what your reaction will be until you try something (at which point it is too late to change your mind).
I don't want to cause any arguments, but these points are, I think, valid and should be made clearly in a thread open to anyone to read of any age and experience with the world.
I am not going to be drawn into a pro/anti stance on this topic, because I want to just point out the reasons why I am always suspicious of anything offered to me by people not from the medical profession. This includes the substance being talked about here as well as a variety of other legal and illegal methods suggested to "help me".
I think that my post is valid because we have kids reading this, and a very balanced message about ingesting any substance needs to be put across.
Loomis, that is not uncommon most especially with doper grades of pot. This is because doper grades of pot tend towards indica dominant strains, but the sativa strains are what helps me and they actually help to reduce my social anxieties. Eventually Wisconsin will get it together then you can find out if any MMJ strains have anything to offer you.I guess we are all a little different. I do not like the way marijuana affects me; it makes me more anxious.
Well hello Peace yes it is so often people seem to forget that of all professionals doctors are always described as practicing physicians. the term practicing would seem to indicate that mastery has not yet been achieved. So doctors while better educated than a layman are not the ultimate authority even if they think they are GOD."Legal" is merely a matter of the socially accepted opinion at a given time. As an example, alcohol was legal in the US until prohibition, then it illegal, the it was legal again. The law is NOT truth, nor an absolute. It does not make things good or bad, and it changes.
The medical profession kills MANY people every year, and the things that they prescribed do as well, and cause others lots of damage. Did you ever watch television? Did you notice that just about every other commercial is a law firm asking if you took a certain drug (prescribed by the "Legal" medical profession) or had something put into you body by them, and are now messed up because of it, and wanting to sue on your behalf? How can anyone trust these people as the definitive source? The whole profession admits that they are only "Practicing".
WE MUST as responsible people be the best advocate of our own decisions. I leave my life in No Mans Hands! I will continue to take in ALL advice, the make whatever decision is best for me, and I will continue to advocate that all others do the same.
Be careful of the people with the the big white coats, and the big degrees, and the plush offices. They are not all bad, but they are not all good either.
Also, I have YET to see a "Doctor" that has taken any time to discuss a healthy diet with me, even when I have asked about it. A HUGE RED FLAG.
I must agree here.. I do smoke a heady joint here and there, but I medicate with a 'body' strain, high in CBD cannabis/hemp oil tincture, 2-3 tablespns/day. No stoned feeling, just more relaxed, happier and better able to handle the day. I recommend anyone to google 'medical cannabis', read lots, then make up your mind.I repeat very importantly, Marijuana does not cause lung cancer by itself. However, if you smoke Tobacco already, and you decide to smoke Marijuana too...your risk for lung cancer goes UP by 300%!
So Marijuana is safe if smoked by itself! Stop worrying about the health risks because there practically are NONE. But there are soooo many benefits, and not only to Asperger's patients but to many other illness inflicted people as well!
Comments welcomed.
Berianireth, I think if you look a little deeper DOJ is not the bad guy, try big business, the drug enforcement and prison industries, and the drug cartels, they are the losers with MMJ and Recreational pot. Its all about money not whats is right and good. As far as getting a red card (medpot license ) if other medical states are similar to Colorado its a matter of going to the right MD getting your card and then going to the dispensary and getting good clean safe MMJ, it still ain't free.The research on Medical Marijuana use is still less extensive than the research on abuse of Marijuana. I'm sure some of it involves interests, but a major obstacle is that there aren't enough human subjects to enroll in studies. The only option that most researchers would have is to loosen the inclusion criteria for the studies, and generally that is where most meta-analyses lay the blame for inconclusive/conflicting results on the relationship between marijuana and depression, anxiety, and cancer. In animal studies the term "depression" has a couple of behavioral definitions, so this also leads to confusion... but I'm fairly sure it has been agreed that marijuana is an effective anxiolytic and anti-tumorogenic drug. There aren't human studies that substantiate anti-tumorogenic effects, but that is because most of the subjects enrolled in the studies also smoke tobacco heavily.
It's really all thanks to the DOJ that we have to keep waiting for human trials that provide reliable data. The CDC and NIH are usually interested in doing that kind of research, but medical marijuana is under strict regulation even where it is legal... I'm a still not up on all of the legal tape that surrounds it, but you have to fall into certain categories of illnesses that have received approval in order to be prescribed anything to begin with. I know they even rank diseases for medical marijuana clearance, but I'm not sure how it works.
eat, smoke, vaporize, use as a tincture or as a topical cream or unguent.Didn't read the whole thread just yet, but you all do know you can vaporize marijuana right? It's much better than smoking it.
Agreed, though you also have the option of growing your own, so you know exactly which strain works for your condition.. the info is out there.Alcohol is a very bad drug, In a beverage it may be an unavoidable ingredient, as in good wines and good beers. But as a drug it will mess you up. A simple test can you go a week without it, if you can't quit.
As far as weed unless you can obtain medical grade you have no idea what has been done to it. Even then unless you have taken the time to find out which cannabinoids will be of benefit to you (there are 9 so far ) and the strains which contain them (and there are 100's of lab checked strains ) you may not benefit by using it. Oh yeah aside from its ability to help lift depression THC the dominant cannabinoid( the one that gets you stoned ) is not the most important medically, which your local dealer probably doesn't care about.
After having stated the obvious I will also say that if it will benefit you it is so much better than the crap the drug companies make.
The moral of this story: if its not a medical grade strain its not medicine.