♤Id driven soul | Broken but not Insane☆
Yeah I make mistakes and it is hard it feels like someone can jump down your throat if you make them.
And people can still be jealous of people with disabilities.
I am a fairly attractive woman and I get scared when I make mistakes that someone will laugh at me when I screw up or say i am I am incapable and I am like I am actually not.
Like you better not overeat or eat too much or drop food on the floor or yourself or like have a pigsty house or if you are doing a good job then oh you make others look bad even though you have disabilities and there will always be some things you struggle with.
Or you better watch you do not eat with your hands in any way or like do something stupid like try to cook something and then realise it is not a good idea and waste it. Or sounds disgusting pick your scabs etc when they are bothering you.
It is never good to be around someone who judges those behaviours because you will end up feeling awful with sensitive rejection.
I eat and if I get fat I do, you know. I need to eat to be healthy.
This is something I am trying to get myself to understand. I will have odd quarks that come with the package. I need to accept them, instead of treating it as some abnormal thing to try to shove back into my subconscious. I've done that with nearly everything.
Emotions are hard. Some of it is probably because of socail disconnect and not knowing how to feel about things. But alot of it is because I've spend a large amount of my life trying to suppress my emotions. It's left me disturbingly hollow. But that hallowness is also caused by feeling unwanted by my parents.
"They don't care about me. So why should I care?"
There are alot of reasons to care. But none of it mattered then. It was about surviving them. Even if it ment literally destroying myself and any chance at some kind of socail life.
My existence is a lonely one. I am glad I am not the only one though. That does make me feel less alone, to a degree.
Eatting. I honestly don't know what to make of it. There is part of me that likes to eat. But there is another part of me that sees eatting as a inconvenience. That I have to spend time, I could use elsewhere, on food, of all things.