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Autism, Neurodiversity, Neurodivergent terms...

Yes, exactly. It's a shame that I (and many others) have been made to feel like it's something that can't or shouldn't be talked about :(

Talking about it is the only way to acclimate people to it. It is human to struggle, to be human. Normal is the word that is the root of the strife because it excludes a majority of mankind.
Obviously, mental illness shouldn't be "celebrated, but it should not be demonized either."

I agree 100%. Unfortunately, there is a small but increasing minority of radicals celebrating mental illness. During the past month, I heard several politicians, celebrities, and the CEO of a large corporation celebrate the delusions of mentally ill individuals who were confused about basic biological facts about themselves. Instead of following the science and encouraging the mentally ill to seek treatment, these backwards anti-science regressives reinforced their delusions and supported teachers promoting and celebrating mental illness to 6 year old children. Fortunately, many politicians courageously stood up to their insanity and passed laws to protect children and the mentally ill from teachers who were harming them.

There are lots of people who are terrified to even get help or talk to a therapist out of fear of being hated and stigmatized.

Irrational fear is a symptom of mental illness. I think the bigger problem is mentally ill people being discouraged from seeking treatment because of people celebrating, encouraging, and promoting their delusions.
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I think autism awareness or acceptance days are for non-autistic and non- neurodivergent people to make them feel better about themselves.

Since I became aware of Autism thanks to the cummulative work of many people promoting Autism awareness, I cant agree on your statement. To me, becoming aware of Dissociative Identity Disorder was important and made me more human. Same with alcoholism, LGTB, asexuals, antisocials, depressives, OCD and many others. I still spend part of my time learning about how others percieve the world and becoming more aware of how they feel. So to me, promoting awareness and kindness is very possitive for society as a whole.

Irrational fear is a symptom of mental illness. I think the bigger problem is mentally ill people being discouraged from seeking treatment because of people celebrating, encouraging, and promoting their delusions.

I would not venture to say that all people that have fear to go with a psicologist is irrational. Psycology is now as mediccine was 200 years ago. Full of people who has not enought preparation, I have talked with many people going to therapy (my parents included) and its very sad to see such lack of professionality. So if someone has spend money and time, and trust on some psicologist to be blamed, or to be given outdated treatmen, or to be ignored... I would say its quite normal not wanting to try again. There are very good professionals, but for each good professional there may be 100 who lack preparation. There are not quality standars, or clear metrics... There is much work to do at that field, at least as far as I know.

If you think in the medical procedure to heal a fractured arm, you will see a good understanding of the problem and the mechanics, with just a few changes over the years. Just some improvements.

Now go and look at the psicological procedures to help people with autism... you will find from electroshocks, to love conditioning therapy, to whatever stupid thing. With changes not only in the treatment, but in the diagnose itself. And with Autists having to create forums like this to provide support to each other... go figure the level of psichology... Its like people with broken arms would have to create a forum to seek the support they cant get from medicine.

A lot of work to do.

I rant a bit :D

You probably didnt wanted to say that patients are irrational if they dont go to a psicologist, I just wanted to vent about the matter. :)
As far as I know, there aren't any structural brain differences in people with autism either.

You will find several scientific journal articles and scientific lectures on YouTube that describe the various structural differences between not only autistics and so-called neurotypicals,...but even within the category of autism,..."type 1, type 2, type 3 morphology",...differences between the Asperger's brain (right hemisphere involvement) vs "high functioning" autism (left hemisphere involvement),...Asperger's has a distinct frontal cortex pattern,...areas of too much and too little conductivity ("voltage") and connectivity ("thick vs. thin wiring"),...differences in the layering of neurons,...differences within the neuronal cells, themselves,...differences in the concentrations of astrocytes and glial cells,...differences in the cerebellum,...the list goes on and on. You can spend months and months studying just this topic alone.

Then you can get into the differences in neurotransmitter turnover,...another huge topic. For example, at least 3 known genetic variants found within the context of dopamine turnover,...within the autistic population alone.
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Since I became aware of Autism thanks to the cummulative work of many people promoting Autism awareness, I cant agree on your statement. To me, becoming aware of Dissociative Identity Disorder was important and made me more human. Same with alcoholism, LGTB, asexuals, antisocials, depressives, OCD and many others. I still spend part of my time learning about how others percieve the world and becoming more aware of how they feel. So to me, promoting awareness and kindness is very possitive for society as a whole.

I would not venture to say that all people that have fear to go with a psicologist is irrational. Psycology is now as mediccine was 200 years ago. Full of people who has not enought preparation, I have talked with many people going to therapy (my parents included) and its very sad to see such lack of professionality. So if someone has spend money and time, and trust on some psicologist to be blamed, or to be given outdated treatmen, or to be ignored... I would say its quite normal not wanting to try again. There are very good professionals, but for each good professional there may be 100 who lack preparation. There are not quality standars, or clear metrics... There is much work to do at that field, at least as far as I know.

If you think in the medical procedure to heal a fractured arm, you will see a good understanding of the problem and the mechanics, with just a few changes over the years. Just some improvements.

Now go and look at the psicological procedures to help people with autism... you will find from electroshocks, to love conditioning therapy, to whatever stupid thing. With changes not only in the treatment, but in the diagnose itself. And with Autists having to create forums like this to provide support to each other... go figure the level of psichology... Its like people with broken arms would have to create a forum to seek the support they cant get from medicine.

A lot of work to do.

I rant a bit :D

You probably didnt wanted to say that patients are irrational if they dont go to a psicologist, I just wanted to vent about the matter. :)

I agree there are many good reasons to avoid therapists. However, since mental/emotional problems are weaknesses (character flaws or personality flaws), I think many people with emotional problems are more afraid of themselves (confronting and dealing with their own inadequacies). The fear is irrational because everyone has flaws (no one is perfect) which means none of their emotional problems make them inferior or less worthy than anyone else. Once people realize they're just working on improving flaws that everyone else has as well, stress caused by thinking they're inadequate or a failure will decrease which will make it much easier for them to think about their emotions and what causes them (their beliefs, thinking patterns, and unmet needs) so they can work to overcome their problems instead of having to cope with them or suppress them with drugs.

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