Since I became aware of Autism thanks to the cummulative work of many people promoting Autism awareness, I cant agree on your statement. To me, becoming aware of Dissociative Identity Disorder was important and made me more human. Same with alcoholism, LGTB, asexuals, antisocials, depressives, OCD and many others. I still spend part of my time learning about how others percieve the world and becoming more aware of how they feel. So to me, promoting awareness and kindness is very possitive for society as a whole.
I would not venture to say that all people that have fear to go with a psicologist is irrational. Psycology is now as mediccine was 200 years ago. Full of people who has not enought preparation, I have talked with many people going to therapy (my parents included) and its very sad to see such lack of professionality. So if someone has spend money and time,
and trust on some psicologist to be blamed, or to be given outdated treatmen, or to be ignored... I would say its quite normal not wanting to try again. There are very good professionals, but for each good professional there may be 100 who lack preparation. There are not quality standars, or clear metrics... There is much work to do at that field, at least as far as I know.
If you think in the medical procedure to heal a fractured arm, you will see a good understanding of the problem and the mechanics, with just a few changes over the years. Just some improvements.
Now go and look at the psicological procedures to help people with autism... you will find from electroshocks, to love conditioning therapy, to whatever stupid thing. With changes not only in the treatment, but in the diagnose itself. And with Autists having to create forums like this to provide support to each other... go figure the level of psichology... Its like people with broken arms would have to create a forum to seek the support they cant get from medicine.
A lot of work to do.
I rant a bit
You probably didnt wanted to say that patients are irrational if they dont go to a psicologist, I just wanted to vent about the matter.