I keep reading about how many autistic people are disliked, and I feel like a dufus but at 58 years old I remain at times terrified of being disliked, and it can make developing friendships nearly impossible because I am so focused on how others feel about me. At times it's painful: I have had so many failed relationships I just expect that people will be irritated by me; or even harass me, gossip about me, excommunicated me. What complicates it is that unless it's very obvious I have no real idea whether people like me or not. It's a complete guessing game, and it's very isolating, affecting self confidence. It impacts especially my self confidence. It's trite.
I think I should get over it, stop caring. I don't fit into the stereotype that all autistic people don't care about whether they're liked or not. I do care, but at my stage I wonder if I can ever change it. It can be genuinely debilitating because unlike other conditions autism is social, --human beings are social animals. We rely on others for spiritual growth, for safety, for stability and for love and self esteem. If a person is disliked all of these are jeopardized. It is one of my largest challenges. I think, talk and act in ways that are different, and when animals sense difference they often attack.
All my life I wanted to fit in, and pretended I didn't care. But I do. I was wondering if people other than me struggle with the same thing, with fears of being disliked, of being genuinely disliked in contexts like work.
Do you care when you're disliked? Has it gotten in your way for things you want to do? And how do you handle it. I really appreciate this group and generally just listen. But to be honest this is a big issue and I'd be so happy for some autistic advice.