Why are you discussing totally unrelated politics on your own thread concerning a personal problem? Or do you connect them? Have Aspies somehow become politicized in your mind?
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How does science support what Professor Peterson has said about differences between conservative and liberal points of view?
What kind of science is that?
Why are you discussing totally unrelated politics on your own thread concerning a personal problem? Or do you connect them? Have Aspies somehow become politicized in your mind?
The original poster is liberal and her boyfriend is conservative. This is part of the communication difficulty.
I personally think that both have value and both are needed. I also think that a large part of whether or not you are conservative or liberal is biological . . . so one side trying to "win" is futile. The extreme ends winning is bad.
Why are you discussing totally unrelated politics on your own thread concerning a personal problem? Or do you connect them? Have Aspies somehow become politicized in your mind?
Yeah, but it seems the OP is trying to tie Autism to a specific politics which is Bullcrap of the stinkiest kind. If they believe that, they will be trying to figure out a way to take away our right to vote next. And if that won't fly, fall back on the eugenics long game.
Some people have to politicize everything.
It is interesting to hear what he thinks about various studies and topics that I enjoy. He talks about IQ, sociology, and liberal/conservative behavior (he is conservative). I find it interesting to hear a conservative perspective, in general.
It could be useful, fun, or interesting for the original poster to watch some of his lectures with her boyfriend.
For example he says that socialism is impossible because everyone cannot have an equal IQ. I agree at the micro level, but think at the macro level that a level of socialism works. Canada, England, or Australia are more socialist then the US, and they are not making anyone who wants to be a doctor into a doctor. What I think of when people talk about socialism is a meritocracy. Those that could be a doctor, for example, are helped via pooling of resources, and this would likely result in more doctors being trained. This is what we had (a lot more of) in the US after WWII with the GI Bill.
Speaking of propaganda... My bf has been on me forever to get off of twitter because I was obsessed with it and he says it's bad for your mental health. I finally did because I couldn't handle all of the details of everything going on in the world today. Was upsetting me too much. I can't believe I've stuck to my guns and have been on the wagon for like 5 days. LOLPropaganda and marketing are fascinating. We definitely have a great deal of propaganda and marketing going on when someone says one thing, and does another. Or when people believe someone whom is blatantly lying. Or when we are told not to trust other sources of information in order to verify a story. Or to only trust these sources when they agree with the held argument. It is crazy stupid fascinating watching the political reality that we are in.
Hey, just reading this. I think you were referring to Jordan Peterson here. I actually played his interview with Bill Maher in the car for my bf because professor Peterson believes political correctness is damaging to our culture and he makes some decent points. I can't tell you what he thought, bc my bf doesn't say much.
Thank you for validating my point of view. LOL. I just want some good old-fashioned validation just like any run of the mill NT.
Maybe it's not a matter of logical vs. not (in his case). Maybe more inflexibility? That's what seems to happen. When we have discussions about things, it's like he can't readily accept new information into his "schema" (for lack of a better word). Granted, I have my world view as well, but I can understand another's point of view even if I disagree and can change my mind if the argument is LOGICAL. It's like he can't or won't even entertain a new idea.
Could be a personality thing too- controlling and wanting to be right. There's a difference between a neurologically-bound inability to be cognitively flexible and a need to be right. The other thing that adds to the mix is we are both passionate about certain things, so we can get worked up over them (sociopolitical stuff).
I sure appreciate your input!
They don't see other's points of view, cannot reason the same as an NT. They are always 'right'.
This sounds so negative and attacking but it's just the facts. I could use better terminology but I'll keep it simple
are you the person who makes that heartlessaspergers website? because your anti-autism bigotry sounds a lot like hers."Could be a personality thing too- controlling and wanting to be right."
No, that's typical behaviour of someone with aspergers. I have a partner of nearly 8 years, 2 kids together & the whole time we've been together he's displayed what I saw as 'odd behaviour'. It's not actually odd after all, it's just typical. They don't see other's points of view, cannot reason the same as an NT. They are always 'right'. This sounds so negative and attacking but it's just the facts. I could use better terminology but I'll keep it simple.
aspie can't see their point of view'. Usually if an aspie can't understand another point of view, it's because it is based on emotion rather than logic and makes no sense to us.
Hi, The statement that I made about you not seeing our point of view & your statement that it doesn't matter & that "sounds like sarcasm"...I don't think I'd say it's sarcastic that you say you as an AS doesn't see it. I think, it can be dangerous.A pleasing generalisation to read.
Fortunately for everyone with Asperger's we can't see your point of view - so it doesn't matter.
NT's call that sarcasm .
I'm sure we're not supposed to understand that either .
Yes,best keep it simple .
Although that's also irrelevant - see point 1
your statement that it doesn't matter & that "sounds like sarcasm"...I don't think I'd say it's sarcastic that you say you as an AS doesn't see it. I think, it can be dangerous.