So many possibilities. Some may be Aspie-ness, some may not be.
He may have just decided not to be with you. Maybe he had his fill. Maybe be went back to his ex. Maybe when you came and he saw you in person, he did not like something about you and feels bad. Maybe he liked your personality, but not something about your looks and is ashamed to admit that. Maybe one of his kids does not like something about you. If he was able to fall for you so quickly, maybe he has fallen for someone else just as quickly and know you are the old gf.
It may be something simple, like just not liking something about you or not wanting to settle down or wanting to date more people. It may not be a broad, complicated Aspie-ness thing.
Or it may be terribly complicated and he may have something more than Aspergers. Maybe he has a deep mental illness you don't know anything about. Maybe he has PTSD or OCD or MPD or maybe he is hiding a deep, secret past he can never share with anyone.....
The bottom line is ---
If you let a person who is confusing confuse you, then you can expect more confusion. If someone gets confusing , the best course, IMHO, is to RUN LIKE mad. Don't try to figure out why and when and who and what and all that. Drop him like a hot piece of metal unless you want more confusion in your life.
You were not deeply loved in a this short a period of time, despite your illusions. But he sure confused you. So the benefits you hoped to reap with Love are way overshadowed by the confusion. RUN!