As an aspie who had this same problem I would say the last thing you should do is do the work for him. This approach is the reason I can't write in cursive (thank God that doesn't matter anymore) and it did more harm than good.My son is absolutely brilliant. His social skills are better than most other aspies. He is teachable and has real life friends.
He is 15, scored top 1% on the PSAT. 2 years ahead in school.
He did very well until 9th grade then fell apart because depression hit.
We don't show any disappointment or anger with him. We fully support him with love.
We now have him in private school after the 9th grade debacle, individual therapy, group therapy. It is killing us financially.
In school he refuses to do homework, and in half his classes e refuses to do the classwork. Even the simplest thing.
Example. He is excelling in Spanish just on his memory passing the test with 92% but hasn't done any work killing his grade.
All the teachers are bending over backwards for him.
He has a simple crossword puzzle to do for Spanish. I tried everything and finally I said I will do it for you, Just read the question so I know you know the words and I will fill in the answer. If you don't know the words we will use Google translate to get the answers. It is about practice and memory. It is required for college. Work smart not hard I tell him. I can do it in 5 minutes.
.......NO! I don't want to do it.
me - Why? I am doing it for you?
him - Stop asking me (hands over the ears) shutdown mode.
Frankly the work in these advanced classes is easy compared to what I had to do and I wasnt in advanced classes. No brainer with today's technology available.
My wife and I are almost at the point of giving up. Just letting him do the classes he wants so he gets the social practice and telling him to take the GED whenever. But he doesn't want that. He wants to take the full load and graduate then go to college. But this logic isn't getting through... He has to do the work to pass. Confronting him with the reality of the situation leads to a shutdown and pressed eventually a screaming meltdown.
We are at wits end. I am so incredibly angry at this illogical situation but I don't show it to him or my wife. Please advise as we are out of ideas.
In kindergarten I read at an 8th grade level and I learned things very quickly. I loved to learn new things and I still do. The problem was that the homework was boring and inconvenient. Eventually the school, at their wit's end, gave me a "tutor" aka someone that did all of my work for me. I gave up on trying to do the work because I didn't have to.
I didn't know people were as upset as they were. I simply thought I was in trouble before, then I wasn't. Good for me. I could focus on other things and get on with my life. But I was suffering in ways I never could've foreseen.
I am in college finally in my 30s and the homework I do now is extremely exciting and engaging so I'm a straight A student but I had to change majors twice. I still have this struggle in my life.
I don't have neat solutions but I will say that I crave routine and I have certain interests that I spend exorbitant amounts of time and resources on. These things finally tie into my school work and I've even found new interests.
Basically, short answer, don't give up on him! Find an approach that works best for him. That may not look the same as it does for someone else. Keep trying ways to make it appealing rather than stressing its importance. Importance is relative in aspie land especially in the younger years. I know it's stressful and time consuming but it will help all of you in the long run.