am the survivor of severe bullying.
ever since being around other people;have been bullied.
had been placed in a mainstream infant/junior school because mum and dad didnt want self and sister splitting up,and was treated viciously by other kids; blamed for trouble or accidents done by other kids because was not able to speak,physicaly abused by them,sexualy abused,verbaly abused,and was hated and bullied by the teachers as well until was transfered to special school.
was bullied every day in the community up to adulthood and beyond-to the point am suffering PTSD today.
was regulary hit with broken bricks,rocks and called forest gump and retard by one gang-even though was with mum and was being dropped off at the private minibus for special college-plenty of people stood around but didnt do anything.
even now,am abused everytime go out into the community,called a retard [no sht sherlock?],people come out of nowhere and shout down ears because am wearing ear defenders and they think am wearing some 'uncool looking' headphones.
also have been bullied badly online by one person on wrong planet;he is now banned for what he did thankfuly but he still sockpuppets the hell out of it under unknown proxies and VPNs,was bullied by him for a number of years; with his main account he pretended to be female and have severe classic autism and was groomed by him for a while so he coud copy identity,once he had finished getting what he wanted he started the bullying,threatening and e-stalking across various forums and youtube videos of mine,was called a retard often by him and told am worthless to society and shoud kill self,was unable to communicate what was going on to others and ended up developing severe major depressive disorder and pyschosis,plus last september it caused such extreme challenging behavior in the old residential home of mine that ten police came around,was restrained on the floor,handcuffed and leg cuffed and wrapped in wallpadding of mine so was unable to self injure and they held head down so was unable to bite them.
eventualy was took to hospital in an ambulance with the police on top of self, was left in accident and emergency for twenty hours fully restrained by them and unsedated so had fought against it the whole time and as a result suffered a permenent injury to the nerves in lumbar/spine.
because am LFA and not suitable for pyschiatric settings,was found a place in a intelectual disability hospital and detained there for four months,ended up losing placement at last residential home-all this because of a jealous POS.
he used to make a lot of topics on forums about how people with LFA have no worthwhile opinions and people with LFA shoud not be given high rate mobility and blue badges [have got them and he knew it],he woud make sockpuppet accounts to back himself up.
he used to bully on forums then woud ask on the blog under a supposed 'friend' account if am ok and how the bullying felt.
he has done serious damage that am still not recovered from.