I've said before a lot more should be done to make people realise including the police that men can be victims of domestic abuse as well as women, at the moment virtually the entire support network and even charities revolve around helping only women. I used to be a victim of brutal abuse and when neighbours complained about the noise when I got attacked, I got an official warning letter from the police warning me I was on their official records as a suspected domestic abuser even without any investigation what-so-ever, warning me that they take it very seriously and the potential consequences to myself, remember I WAS THE VICTIM and this was how the police treated me! Entirely because I was a man it was automatically assumed I was the person attacking, not the victim, how do you think that made me feel? Any slightest chance I did have of coming forward for help was then totally removed because it was then made completely obvious to me how the police would have treated me, I would have almost certainly been arrested if she as much as squeaked that I hit her first in a lie to defend herself and it was already on computer that I was a domestic abuser even though I was entirely the victim, the only time I touched her during the violent incidents was to attempt to hold her off me. I'm sorry, but the police in the UK at least are awful to say the very least and they also need to be much better educated when it comes to autistic people because many have zero compassion or understanding.
This was around 15 years ago in the UK and I can only hope things are improving, although if you look for help you still only see help for women and if you tried to approach any charities you'd probably be told to leave in case you frightened any of the women, it's incredibly sexist. I would say reach out to someone you really trust in real life if possible to support you and as advised try to get evidence. If no-one can help and there's no domestic abuse support for men, perhaps look for other charity support, E.g. general support for autistic people, you need someone on your side in real life. I'm sorry, but I don't advise going directly to the police on your own because they cannot be trusted, well not in the UK at least and I don't know what they're like in other countries, you need someone as an advocate to ensure you are treated fairly, someone I didn't have when I was a victim.
This was around 15 years ago in the UK and I can only hope things are improving, although if you look for help you still only see help for women and if you tried to approach any charities you'd probably be told to leave in case you frightened any of the women, it's incredibly sexist. I would say reach out to someone you really trust in real life if possible to support you and as advised try to get evidence. If no-one can help and there's no domestic abuse support for men, perhaps look for other charity support, E.g. general support for autistic people, you need someone on your side in real life. I'm sorry, but I don't advise going directly to the police on your own because they cannot be trusted, well not in the UK at least and I don't know what they're like in other countries, you need someone as an advocate to ensure you are treated fairly, someone I didn't have when I was a victim.
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