Hi, thanks, can you think of a simple way I can put this in the letter.You are not "NT" and therefore not part of the "order" so you are disordered.
1. "NT"s Have cultural expectations of acting a certain age appropriately. These stages of cultural development are not like those of people who do not learn culture (ASD). "NT"s have expectations based on culture. (this is what they call a "theory of mind"). You are expected to be interested in what another person is, even if you are not interested. You are expected to emote with another person even if you do not feel those emotions or really care ("NT"s may not care but they are expected to act like it and they know it)
2. Same as 1.
3. same as 1.
yeah... so you didn't learn the cultural expectations of you, cannot read their faces and bodily expressions. You don't act the age expected in your birth culture and you cannot pretend because you never learned how. All of these things you needed to learn, are learned at a young age and are highly complex. You simply do not have the mental machinery to learn culture. You may have the machinery to run culture (I personally do not) but since you didn't learn culture, these behaviour are viewed as idiosyncratic.
I really love how they can pack so many words around a simple thing to make it seem really professional and scientific.
In a nutshell:
You didn't learn culture and you can't learn culture and you can't follow cultural expectations. A difference in the cognitive machinery that helps you learn culture (mirror neurons) also may cause delays in walking and talking. Cultural people (NT) have these expectations of you and their fee-fees are hurt when you don't do what they expect. They get to bully you because you are different and you hurt their fee fees.
In my theories... you leave the tribe and mate into another one that views your differences as being some part of the tribe you left so they are ignored.
The letter I have written is 9 pages long.
It even crossed my mind to put it on here, omitting sensitive info out like names etc, to see if it will wash with the assessor.