New Member
It's incredible. It seemed the same with us as well. We definitely had a honeymoon period. It was definitely too hot too quick and I should have pumped the brakes in retrospect. I do believe he cared/(s) about me as a person. But I do feel as though he could not express it at the time.
It's been 3 years since we have been together, and over a year since we've spoken. He said he was the wrong guy for me, and I should be with someone else. He said he was not able to have a romantic relationship. I know it's crazy, but I still feel some connection to him in some way, and I can't explain it. I've never met another person like him, and it's discouraging.
I also feel like he is going through a honeymoon period with this new person. However, I was astounded to see that his new girl had listed him as in a relationship on facebook... it's not something I could have ever imagined him doing. To this day, I still would not do that with my partner. (Social media kills relationships, but that's just my opinion). So even though he could be honeymooning, he has changed in some respects as well...
Life can be hard to cope with sometimes. I almost wish something bad had happened between us so I would have a reason to walk away. But on my end, everything was fine. I love the person I knew and I hope one day I get to see if any of that person still exists. I hate that he made it seem like he was doing something noble in letting me go, but now he is with someone else. It makes no sense. The lack of closure is what makes it so hard for me.
I was the same re the honeymoon period but put it down to the fact we knew each other so well for a long time (and joint close friends/family members) already but in retrospect... isn't that supposed to be classic avoidant style? It made him seem mega secure, until the avoidant kicked in I have no doubt he did care. Mine couldn't express it either but then would go to great lengths on a present, or a tight long bear hug to try and show it. I also knew he didn't tolerate bs at all - if he was with me, it was for real, end of.
It's hard isn't it - nothing worse than the man you love telling you that you shouldn't!!
Goodness he was the same about relationships and social media - although he posted lots of photos of us all over it so it was pretty obvious. Maybe his girlfriend just went ahead and did it and he didn't get a choice? Could be avoiding confrontation? A lot of people do it (I am with you though, I don't either).
I wish I knew what to say to make it easier but I am only a few weeks along. Having similar challenges that it's hard to understand/accept how he could from one extreme to another in a matter of days. He and I had been friends for a very long time prior also and our lives (friends and families) are interconnected so I am mourning on many levels. Like you, it's lack of closure that makes it hard but I haven't made contact as I fear that at best he'll just repeat his reasons and at worst he'll push me away even harder and I am hurting enough already. Every day I have to try and resist contact, I guess it's that need for closure.
I really hope that this gets easier for you.