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Can you take care of yourself ?

I think girls with AS are very easy to take advantage. Of the two I knew, I'm pretty sure one could have been taken advantage of easily, and the other I'm pretty sure already was sexually.
I don't think it's easier for girls with AS tbh. It's expected of men to be less sociable, but when a girl ignores everyone and doesn't talk, you're deviating from your gender role. And then you start getting labels >_<.

I wish all girls were aspies :lol:

It all depends how severe your AS is. I used to hate doing things for myself, and had no confidence in doing so. But i'm getting more independant as each day goes by. My only problems are bills really, and waking up in the morning, i've slept through 3 alarms and phone calls. Think I need some automatic thing, that makes me a coffee and a bacon and egg sandwich, and its being served by some hot maid. I'd jump outta bed at any hour :P
I am an autie and have been able to live on my own, attend 6 years of college and have full custody of three children, so it is possible for an autie.
i live alone.

I cant hold up my routines by myself or organize my day. And i can get stuck at a task and not getting further . Also having issue to see how a task is to be done .

I have personal who helps me with getting up. getting dinner and such, make sure I am getting my self ready and have my appartment in a okey shape.

How about you?

I have managed to be self-sufficient. It took a bit of work, but I did it.
I agree Emor. At school girls are meant to be sociable and when you're not it just starts getting akward. I've read about a lot of AS girls who have been taken advantage of. :(
It's really sad.
It might sound funny at first, and it might just seem as being very innocent and gullible(which are favourable personality traits in girls imo).
But it can really get you into some crap situations and half the time you don't even notice you're in the situation.
I mean, it's one of the things I hate about my AS the most. I don't get taken advantage of a lot, but there's been a few times and I just really wish I wasn't so gullible and put trust in people so easily :/.
I don't so much anymore and I'm actually pretty paranoid, but there's some people I know could take advantage of me. The people I trust I trust too much imo.
Some friends have been way worse.
I know one girl who was being taken advantage of sexually pre-teens. No joke :/. And she couldn't and probably still can't to an extent tell what they were doing.
It's really sad :(.
I mean I think girls have it harder than men sometimes. And you're the only one here who takes it out of context. LOL.
I've "taken care of myself" for years. But I'm not sure if you can call it that. My life has always been pretty chaotic, constantly struggling with the basics, and I'm only now starting to understand why.
i am not able to get things done with no people telling me how to start or help me

do not have any person trying until day before apartment is inspected 3 times a year then only get 20 minutes and whole time they are trying to find excuses to leave

next time they do this going to tell them i either pass the inspections or i move in with you since not able to do things with no help

they think i am better to just live on the street if i am not able to do all things the way the people inspecting apartments want and i did live on the street for 2 years because they got the idea i can get help if i do not have a place to live

my family is a group of morons and do not think if being with no place to live is the way to get help then why is there over 1 million people living on the street
Definetly not, I have trouble cooking and cleaning. I'm glad i'm only 17 and still have time to learn these things.

Thats practically the same as what I have troubles with and I'm only 18 :D but i'm getting there.... I know how to wash and everything...
Those are the only two that I seem to have struggles with and I know how to do them both, but seem to not have the energy to do it :lol:
Group therapy? We'll save on some cash that way ;P

at least here you do not save money in a group

all they do here charge each person the same hour rate they charge for you to be alone and insurance usually will not pay for any kind of group therapy

the only one being helped is the doctor doing the group therapy

work 1 hour and get paid for the number of people in the group

150 a hour multiply by 12 for a group or actually work 12 hours to get the same money

just another doctor money making scam
at least here you do not save money in a group

all they do here charge each person the same hour rate they charge for you to be alone and insurance usually will not pay for any kind of group therapy

the only one being helped is the doctor doing the group therapy

work 1 hour and get paid for the number of people in the group

150 a hour multiply by 12 for a group or actually work 12 hours to get the same money

just another doctor money making scam

Yah, typical US. Healthcare is to make money
I find that I have very little problems living on my own, I think my biggest hurdles come when I move. I had a credit card that was threatening to sue if I didn't pay it all back in a very short time due to me forgetting to inform of me moving, and my mom took out a loan for me (that I have since payed her back for) at a cheaper price than what was owed lol. My mom handles my financial issues though because she panicked to ODSP (disability insurance) thinking I wasn't getting by very well even though I think I was. Who knows, maybe I wasn't but I was fine with what I had at the end of the month.

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