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"Though there have only been a handful of known cases of animals becoming infected with the virus that causes COVID-19, the advisory issued last week suggests people apply the same social distancing measures to their pets as they do to family with whom they're living.

That means keeping cats indoors and walking dogs on a leash at least six feet away from other animals and other people. And best to avoid dog parks."
After some cats test positive, CDC says social distancing applies to pets too

Another site recommended bidet bottles to minimize the need for TP.

Amazon.com : bidet bottles

We're giving them serious consideration...
It arrived. It has some flaws, but it's workable.

I'm starting to get the hang of it.

Here is the one I got. Bottle Bidet/Travel Bidet
It does not leak when nozzle is upright or sideways, but runs continuously when downward.

To counter that, I just turn it sideways when I want to pause its flow.

What does that mean, actually?
It looks like something from Hunger Games.
But I don't know what it means.

Is this it?
Three Finger Salute

So would doing that mean just "goodbye" or does it imply
that going without a mask is foolish and could result in illness
that might be fatal? Or "hey, I'm getting away from you!"
Or what?
It did seem rather silly to see some guy obnoxiously protesting over being tossed out of a store for not wearing a mask. He claimed his constitutional rights were somehow violated. You enter a proprietary establishment like any retail store in the US, and you are subject to their rules. "No shoes, no shirt, no service."

With the main caveat for any proprietor that their rules cannot be discriminatory in accordance with civil liberties laws. Otherwise if you refuse to comply with such rules you're basically considered a trespasser.

Best to have a mask at least on your person in case such rules are enforced, whether you like them or not. The wearing of such a mask is not to protect you so much as it is intended to protect others in your presence.
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What does that mean, actually?
It looks like something from Hunger Games.
But I don't know what it means.

I'm guessing it's sarcasm from inconsiderate people unwilling to wear a mask to protect others. Implying that Katniss Everdeen will salute those not wearing a mask. Only after she kills them with her bow and arrow.

A tragic message to promote given that just because one merely thinks they're "fine" doesn't preclude the possibility that they may be asymptomatic. That some may actually carry the virus, yet display no symptoms. A condition that apparently accounted for a majority of the crew of the USS Theodore Roosevelt.

SECDEF: Majority of Roosevelt sailors with COVID-19 are asymptomatic
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It's a mark of solidarity. Not really a salute. Just like, "Oh man, everyone is giving me the stink eye too. I've got your back". lol

It's a salute. Though that doesn't explain the context it was used in this particular instance. Saluting others who don't wear masks? It shows no regard for the health of others. You wear the mask to protect others, especially if you are asymptomatic.

Stink eye won't kill anyone. Covid-19 is another matter.

"It is an old and rarely used gesture of our district, occasionally seen at funerals. It means thanks, it means admiration, it means goodbye to someone you love." -Katniss Everdeen

Three Finger Salute
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It's a mark of solidarity. Not really a salute. Just like, "Oh man, everyone is giving me the stink eye too. I've got your back". lol

In what direction?

Solidarity as in supporting "no mask" even though the directives say "mask"?

Or what?
Bosnian Band's Quarantine shows. "Stay connected and disinfected"
Dubioza Kolektiv - 1.

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I am in a block where a neighbour keeps closing the main door, even so it let's air in which would be good during the coronavirus crisis as a lot of people use the corridors in the block, to make matters worse, there is someone who coughs in the corridors, I am therefore really stressed when I need to go out for exercise or food or to pay bill.
When l walk around in a huge grocery store, every store clerk thinks l am a private shopper because they all run up and invade my personal virus space. So l now like to do a backhand wrist flick and Truman Capote style and say* social distance social distance, don't make me sic my cat on you* in a southern drawl. Of course l sound nothing like him so l just ask for a mint julep just encase it's store food demo day.
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Tim Vine show on channel 5 in UK was talking about today making a app for coronavirus mandatory

I live where the UK Govt app is being trialled; about 1/3 of the population apparently signed up however, there's issues about it's data gathering & it's centralisation, compared to the Apple / Google app.
I'm sure we've all had to adjustment to many things given the lockdown, but there is one aspect that I've started using now that, obviously through not using it, wouldn't have thought I might have an issue with. And that is: videoconferencing.
Whether it be Zoom, Skype, houseparty (other apps are available I guess)...how do you cope, if you are indeed using?
I started using it mid-march because my faith, despite cancelling public meetings, decided to use Zoom early on. I initially thought 'great, this should be a whizz because I don't have to personally be with people especially if it's a no-go day for me'
And...it had actually been quite the opposite. I struggle in group conversation at the best of times but having it online had made it harder. I'm thinking it's partly an auditory processing thing (I feel like I need subtitles for everyone), partly prolonged eye-contact, also body language thing too, And then my recently diagnosed ASD grandfather finds videoconferencing easier than phone, but in the current circumstances I would rather phone (which is weird because I loathe phoning people for anything) than face-to-face on call.
I guess it's because we are all different at the end of the day, but I'm just slightly amused this had gone decidedly not the way I expected
oooh! I get you I found guessing when someone is done speaking so much harder than face to face. Eye-contact is no problem as I just look at the camera - looks like I‘m looking straight at others then, or just let my eyes roam, many people seem to do that.
Using zoom so much the „have they finished?“ thing is much better now and I love the distance it gives me

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