It happened in February this year. COVID-19 was then not diagnosed to anyone in my country, so I didn't meet criteria for testing because I didn't travel. Then I watched a movie that shows symptoms of COVID-19 by day and my symptoms were much like that. So I suspect that I had COVID 19. I know that I can go to anitbody test, but I have to go to clinic for infectious diseases for that and don't want to go there. What do you think, did COVID 19 really begin earlier than thought and did I maybe have it. Did someone here have it or knows someone who had it?
Fact-checking claims coronavirus might have started earlier
Here is my symptomes diary:
February 18:
Tiredness has started, prescribed it to warm weather, tiredness is common at the begining of the spring and it began in February this year.
February 19:
Last day in school, cough and 37,2 fever have started
February 20:
Stayed home, thought it is a cold
February 21:
Headache, sore throat, runny and stuffy nose began, temp. still 37,2
February 22:
Chills, Weakness, aches and pains and fewer 38,5 began, cough became more serious, difficulty breathing at night
February 23:
Sore throat became more serious, food isn't tasty anymore (loss of taste and smell), serious cough, 38,5 fewer, chest pain
February 24:
Awful burning sensation in nose and throat, visit to doctor, prescribed antibiotics because throat was red and inflamated, cough and fewer remain
February 25:
Burning in nose and throat, cough, fewer, loss of appetite and taste and smell, stuffy nose, after using decognesitive spray burning became unbearable.
February 26:
Feeling a bit better, but still have cough and fewer, taken blood sample, leukocytes low, CRP moderately high, looks like a viral infection, but antibiotic continued.
February 27:
Fewer god better, cough remains
February 28:
Because of cough, difficulty breathing and cheast pain a lung X-ray was made, but everything was ok. Fever is almost gone, but fatigue remains
February 29, March 1,2:
Fever is gone, but still coughing strongly, extreme fatigue, brain fog, inability to study for school
March 3:
At my doctor again, made a control blood sample, all ok, gave me a medicine that helps me to cough the mucus out instead of medicine to stop coughing and this later showed good.
March 4,5,6,7,8:
Cough, fatigue and brain fog are getting better could prepare to go back to school at the monday 9 March
March 9,10,11,12,13
At school, feeling fine, but still not doing P.E., even got an A from math test despite being absent from a lot of classes. Situation with COVID worsening in world, some cases in Croatia
March 16
Schools are closed in Croatia and the school year ended online (ended on 19 June). Haven't been to school since then, but probbably will begin at 7 September.