I couldn't agree more. And yes, the homework packets are insane! They even make ME feel stupid sometimes too because I don't even get the instructions/assignments at times. Then I wonder how on earth I can expect him to get it when his 30 year old mom has issues understanding it... Some of them just seem to defy any kind of logic.
Unfortunately it's too late. He's being held back. I meet with his school Monday. The final straw ended up being that his ADHD got terminally bad and I had difficulty getting anyone to put him on medication for it until he started flipping out and hurting people/putting himself in danger and even THEN I had to fight tooth and nail to get him admitted to an inpatient program because of his age. It took me TWO WEEKS to get him admitted anywhere, meanwhile he was attacking people, old or young didn't matter, running out into traffic, defying all attempts at authority/discipline/rules/etc, trying to tear up any room he was in, and even made a few attempts to hurt his newborn brother. He even got suspended from school... He you're up his classroom to the point they had to move his class to another room, then he tore up his principal's office...
Now he's in a place that specializes in kids with ADHD and ODD. There don't normally take kids as young as him but they made an exception in his case when they found out how serious it was. He will be coming back home once they've stabilized him on medication, and they've been able to observe the signs of trauma I keep telling clinics and therapists he has to no avail ("he seems fine and well adjusted to me " ) and are recommending trauma based therapy so I'm hoping this time the trauma therapists/clinics will take me seriously. I seriously don't know what to do about his school. They emphasize the importance of conformity so much I don't know if they're capable of understanding that sometimes when a kid breaks the rules it's not because they're being "bad". I'm afraid I played a part in all of this by pushing him too hard because the school was stressing he had to be well behaved when he came back and they said they thought I wasn't disciplining him at home. And everyone else keeps saying I'm a push over and I need to be more strict and authoritarian with him... Sigh. But I know how I was at his age and the authority thing never worked with me. You got a lot farther if you could make me understand the why and how behind things and treated me as a team member more than your underling. Because I was stubborn and independent... Like him... And you could have beaten me bloody and I'd STILL go do my own thing, sometimes just out of pure spite over someone trying to control me like that. Some folks just have to learn the hard way I suppose. My method of dealing with him though has worked for years, just not recently...