I think I can share a bit of an ashaming secret with the people here. I am not advising anyone to do the same. But it doesn't hurt to read somebodies else his story. Only a couple of years before the break through, I eventually ended up on the most sleazy kind of website, where the girls pursue as aggressive as the man

. With no higher motives

. I got bombarded with messages. So the only real question was, if only 1% of those messages was real.......gosh that would be great. However I still don't know for sure. But in the end it was like the ultimate training ground. (an expensive one

). But the constant positive reinforcement gave me the confidence to look again to the things that had happened in my life. Using the teaching of my favorite dating guru I noticed.....yes.....there is another explanation.
This in the end let to two very recent ultimate conformations. One I found on this website. Somebody complaining about feeling rejected by a man that might have been Aspie, and me realizing...oh that is me. I have done that so often. Always with the best intentions. But I finally found the words of a girl, and how that ACTUALLY effected her. (thank you). Somehow I feel I should link her to this post, so she realized how much her desperation meant to me. Currently the topic I believe goes on that he should be charged for sexually assaulting her and stuff like that. I cannot speak for the guy in question. But I think I am glad I am not in jail

And a very important real life encounter yesterday evening. Where I spoke without fear or worry about being rejected or being in appropriate. But that last one was because I made very clear, that breaking up a perfectly happy marriage....is not an act of love

. It was like the first time we met. She is the love of my life. Because of meeting her, I became from a slightly troubled ASD, into a complete basket case mental patient to the world. She has, I think, not told the back of her tongue entirely. But she lets me speak and never stopped me. And her silence and positive (non direct romantic comments) where more than enough.
It is said that we ASD have trouble reading human emotions. I found this to be untrue. What I did found is that NT's have a part of there brain, that allows you to learn the translation of body language on young age. (I am revering to the Mirror Neuron
Mirror neuron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I am capable of reading body language like a an NT. Experience of age tells me, even better. But to me, it was always a bunch of alien garbage. But with the bravery of Indiana Jones (when somebody fixes me up, maybe even his roughs good looks

(probably not, but you get the drift)). The dedication and talent of Yuri Kknorzov, and the open mindedness of, not sure if I go for Emperor Hirohito, Hillary Clinton, Tim Kelly. Sorry tuffy, to USA based

. And I am afraid I have to admit that I had an NT partner in crime when it comes to that

Who is a current or historical figure that is open-minded? ....but I managed to translate it. Though I would say...I am basically at the 1952
Drevnyaya pis’mennost’ Tsentral’noy Ameriki phase
. And the most amazing thing, once I got the NT "Esperanto" covered, all the other dialects where a piece of cake

I can say this though. For my personal life. My kid, may he please be as autistic as me

, I will stop any tense situation with a pop quiz question, what is daddy thinking or feeling right now? And when he/she is wrong, I will kindly give him the honest and best answer to my ability, and when he is right...maybe it is time to bring out the ice cream ±P (skinner). You see NT's never realized it was a skill worth practicing. For an autistic, it might be the most important skill in his whole life. My guess is that once practiced, he will turn from a social outcast into the most charismatic and human flair person in the world

To describe it in a ICT language, I am sure some of you can relate. Yes adding a config file is really great to a program or a game. But you can guess the start up problems, when the config file is empty by default

For those believing in the evolution theory. There seems to be a pattern that skills and bird songs, go from born in there DNA, to be learned and copied from there enviroment. Home
Sapiens ( I always chuckle when I read the translation) even managed to split to atom because of a delay in initial knowledge. So if ASD people are even slower? What could that mean? Well heck, i can tell you who I am going to send as part of the ...hello aliens...diplomatic negations envoy
I am now 36, and even though I made some remarkable bold scientific suggestions during my early years...I would consider myself barely 24. When it comes to changing from young adult to adult.
About the topic called "sensative"....do not read if you not ready to handle sensitive. For the intend of the poster was most caring and humane. But if you get to my post...even the words "sensative" will not be enough

. But if no suitable recent discovery can be made....I think my hypothetical theory will suit quit nicely if turned into experiments