I wouldnt say i had trouble finding someone, being a woman it doesnt seem hard to do, but i have trouble maintaining them. I am saying this because i am sure my boyfriend wants to friendzone me. he thinks i am "awesome" and "beautiful" but my depressive episodes, and certain problems caused by symptoms or side effects of being on the spectrum (executive functioning problems) pushes him away. I have been told i need to break up with this guy many times. I see the logic in that. I just feel sad that I feel that I am running out of time? I feel that i am starting to realize a pattern, that i always knew but thought i was exaggerating: that i'm not marriage material. not necessarily marriage but . . . meaning like no one would settle down with me, live their dreams and invite me to be a passenger, those kind of things..
do other women experience this? do you guys experience this feeling that, men are intangible? the possibility of being happy with one "forever" is a joke?
I think it is normal to have autistic struggles and trauma struggles.
I think autistic relationships are hard and not always smooth sailing and may take a while to get right.
I think maybe you should seek like counselling if you can, someone to talk about your issues.
I think if you like this guy seek help and see how it goes, communication is helpful, even if you break up then you may find someone better or if you break up and miss each other, you could get back together in the future.
Your trauma and negative thoughts are telling you that you are not worth it but you are.
And there is someone if not this guy that will want to live your dreams and love you the rest of your life.
Ask yourself, do you really love this guy, is there a deep connection? Is it worth fighting for?
Yes, very easy to go through those feeling as well, I mean one forever, one big commitment, forever is a long time and you can never be single again. Or live single or as am independent individual, you have to in some sense think of the other person.
So...autistic may be different but who knows what that is like until you know it. The learning curve for an autistic may be big.
I do not myself know what single independent Laura is let alone how being in a relationship would be .different.
Some autistics may not chose romantic or sexual relationships either, just platonic relationships.