Magical Pattern Auspie
Yes and no. Research in science sometimes requires disproving prior scientific theories, or coming up with your own, and possibly disproving your own, also.
That being said, science deals with the physical material world, and spirits, God, etc, are not part of the physical material world. They are not part of the subject matter of science. Just like the meaning of Crime and Punishment is not part of the subject matter of science (an imperfect analogy, yes. But it's late at night and I'm too tired to think of a better one). Investigation into the existence of God is philosophy, by definition. (Yes, a scientist can think about it. But he will at that point be a scientist who is doing philosopy. And, yes, philosophy can be influenced by scientific findings). Now, certain religions might make specific claims that can be investigated by science. So some religious things can be investigated by science (was this physical event really a miracle?), others cannot.
I agree with you Ste11aeres ,however I think God, Angels, and even Miracles, are still part of the (real world). Not understanding how a thing was done doesn't make it magical in nature. According to to my rough calculations todays physicists understanding of the material universe is based on 1/2 of 1/6 of the material states in the universe, and a they got a good chunk of that 1/2 of 1/6 wrong. So no we don't really have much of a grasp on all the sciences that God has at his finger tips to do all these things. So what God does may look magical...but I firmly say Nothing Heaven does is Magical...NOTHING! Turn the page in the Bible after reading the creation story and you will see the seeds out side Eden needed water to grow. This means the Angels planted everything on earth...and the Angels pretty much do everthing God commands that is their job.
I think the real magic in heaven is that they take the time to fight for our souls, and help us...we are like dirty little bugs next to their Holy Empire, and they could make more of us to replace us any time they wanted. The fact they take the time to try to save some of us at all is the real miracle. Do any of you realize just how much heaven is going to suffer when we arrive there, it's going to be like a bus dumped a screaming hoard of bickering children into a your quiet pleasant Library....Angels are going to shudder and wipe their brows with handkerchiefs.
Your mental picture of God and Heaven can change what you choose to believe....are peoples mental pictures of God and Heaven correct??????